Chapter 9-Harry Potter is the champ-oh shi-

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I sighed as I sat down. I had chosen an empty compartment, not only to avoid everyone but because it was decided that I couldn't be seen with Pansy or Draco to help maintain my cover. It was also to avoid Harry and Ron as I knew that when I was near them, all I wanted to do was send a Crucio at them. I was proud of the control I had over my temper when it came to Dumbledore, despite how tempted I am to claw his face off. I also won't be able to see Bella for nearly a year, so my aggression is even harder to control. I had cried so much when she told me, but Lucian had decided it was for the best. I had nearly gone on a rage when Lucian when it was decided that not only did I have to maintain my 'oblivious nature' but I wasn't allowed to have contact with Bella the whole time I was at school; as much as it pains us both, we knew it was too risky to use projection or for me to use my full magic. It would only be used in emergencies and that's if they manage to block from other magic users sensing our magic since it was so powerful. We don't know how watchful Dumbledore is, but we know he has eyes and ears everywhere. So, I had held Bella until I had to leave for the train. I also had on an illusion and I looked like 'Hermione Granger' but not my true self which made me upset and angry as well. However, I knew we had to catch them off guard; so, I had to maintain complete control over my emotions, no matter how angry I got, and my magic even though I could destroy anyone in seconds. I was hard but I wouldn't compromise anyone.

Over the time I was away, I had gotten close with Draco and Pansy. The most surprising was the fact that Neville and Luna hung out with them both all the time. Draco was also the biggest supporter of the gay community because of Bella being gay as well as Tom. I found it hilarious when the normally stoic and serious Draco dressed up in a rainbow outfit, along with Pansy and we all went to the LGBTQ pride event in the muggle world. They loved it. Pansy and I laughed out asses off when Draco got flirted with. Pansy eventually rescued him with a peck on the lips and they guy who was flirting with him laughed and apologised. His name was Dan and he was very funny. I had a feeling he would get along with Fred. We hung out with him and he gave us his contact details. I was truly surprised by how supportive Pansy and Draco were of the muggle world and how much they enjoyed it. They had explained that most was an act. It was nice to know that I had support from true friends. Turns out Luna was Pansexual, and Neville was Bi. Those two had been dating for a while and were perfect for each other. As were Pansy and Draco. Those two had been together since the start of the year. I was glad that I had found true friends.

Hogwarts are hosting the Tri-wizard tournament again but this time no one under 14 years old can compete but I had a feeling that Harry would still manage to be part of it as I presume it was part of Dumbledores plan. Drumstrang and the Beauxbatons were also here to compete. Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum were the chosen champions. I sighed as Harry's name was called out. The goblet then suddenly flashed again, and I saw glee and anger flash through Dumbledores eyes. I was filled with dread as he called out "HERMIONE *pause* ROMANOFF!" The hall went silent. What the hell? How? I forgot that when I came of age, my true heritage would come through as well as my automatic name change, and you came of age at seventeen in the wizarding world. I stood slowly and made my way to the front with the others. I saw pure rage on Ron's and Harry's face. I rolled my eyes. Of course. They are both annoyed. Harry since he likes the fame and Ron because he didn't get chosen. I remained calm despite my rising panic. I started thinking over how this could have even happened when I almost slapped myself when I realised. I was seventeen thanks to the time-turner I used. I will be eighteen this year. But who put my name in the cup? I looked Fred and George and saw there sheepish looks they were giving me. Oh, those bloody idiots! I sent them a glare that promised pain and watched as they paled. I knew I would never harm them, but they didn't have to know that. Soon, we were swept away.

I annoyed at Rita Skeeter as she tried to put words in my mouth. That bloody woman! But now, I had to have a word with the twins. I pushed the Gryffindor dorm door open so hard that it smacked into the wall, leaving a crack both in the wall and the door. I wandlessly fixed them both without any effort. Fred and George stood side by side with a look of pure shock and terror on their faces. I growled out "What the bloody hell did you two do!" They responded, "We may have-" "-put your name-" "in the goblet of fire." I stared at them both, annoyed, and said "Do you two idiots know what 'keep a low profile' means?!" They nodded. "Why? How am I supposed to not draw attention to myself? I already have it now thanks to my name change." They remained quiet for a couple seconds before Fred spoke. "Think about it, Hermione. You can be yourself!" George continued "Yeah! You can show them the real you! No more hiding!" I released an aggravated sigh and maintained my angered expression for a couple of seconds more. I laughed when they saw me smiled, and they relax. "Lucian is going to kill you both. Then me because I'm going along with this." I paled when I started thinking about what Bella would do. I groaned and muttered to a grinning Fred and George. "They are both going to kill me."

I was right. Lucian was unable to get a hold of Bella for the brief time I had away, before I had to figure out what the challenges were, Lucian was livid. He eventually calmed down and understood why. He understood that I hated hiding my true self. He did warn me about Bella and said she would not be happy. I paled when I realised that was true. I had never pissed Bella off before but I didn't have to; I had heard the stories of the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange when angered, though I called her Bellatrix Black as I refused to think that she would be connected to that slob. I know that this would worry her, but she would never say it. I also knew I had to be mentally and maybe physically prepare myself for her to be extremely angered though I couldn't blame her as I knew I would be just as bad, if not then worse since my primal side was very protective of my mate.

It had been a couple months, me and Cedric had been secretly working together and figured out the first trial was dragons. I was aching with being apart from my mate but solving out what was the challenge helped keep me distracted and the people in the protectors knew I was finding it hard and painful to be away from my mate. So, most kept me distracted the best way they could. It was now a week before the challenge, and I knew Harry was still clueless and I wasn't willing to help him at all. I did wonder why Dumbledore put Harry in this, but I suppose it was another one of his 'master plans'. Lucian had sent me a note through Draco to meet him at the Shrieking Shack as he had discovered that the Willow blocked users it didn't find worthy. I had snuck out and was making my way there. The Willow allowed me passage as it recognised me as the Alpha, and it looked as if it had bowed to me. I was still overwhelmed by all the creatures that I had yet to meet and recognise but was excited and honoured to be their Protector. It had its advantages by allowing passage to where no human would be allowed but I suppose I'm not human anymore. I still had a lot more to learn and it was a challenge, but I was never one to back down from a challenge. I made my way silently further into the shrieking shack and paused slightly when a certain smell assaulted my senses. Bella?! I sped up slightly and quickly entered the room but was instantly pushed up against the wall by another. I relaxed when she filled my senses. I then tensed again when she asked me eerily calm and a calm Bella was never good. "What's this that I have to hear from Lucian that my mate is partaking in the Tri-wizard tournament?" I couldn't help the shudder that went through my body when she said mate, but I knew I was screwed as I stared into worried but pissed off black eyes.

Updated 16/01/20

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