Chapter 19-The Slug Club

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I had told Draco to be careful and also talked to Bella about what had happened. She had lent me vent out my frustrations on the plan not going to plan before telling me that it was just a setback. I could tell that being apart from Bella was affecting my mood, as well as hers; and Cormac wasn't helping with my anger either. Everyone had been giving me a wide berth after I lashed out at Cormac last time and many seemed to sense my mood. The air around always seemed tense and my magic seemed a little unstable, so many just avoided me. I now sat at this lunch that Slughorn had thrown together, not minding eating the ice cream provided, even though my adoptive parents would be scolding me for eating so much. I ignored majority of the conversation before Slughorn asked me a stupid question.

"So, Hermione, what is it that your parents do?" The room seem to get deathly silent and he must have realised his mistake. "Ah, forgive me." I just scowled at him. I feel my anger bubbling beneath my skin, my wolf itching to come out and claw Slughorn's face for being so oblivious. I felt Bella presence in my mind, and she said 'Merlin, you're stuck in a ridiculous tea party. Like Ali." Outwardly I remained stoic but internally I was relieved at Bella's distraction. "You mean Alice Bella." She huffed and grumbled "I knew that." I smiled internally. I had introduced Bella to 'Alice in wonderland' written by a muggle known as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in 1865 that was a popular classic in the muggle world. A story that Bella secretly loved though she would never admit it.

Mine and Bella's bond had grown stronger with the more time we spent together, and it grew every day. The months we had spent together before I had to go back to Hogwarts had strengthened our bond even though I have not marked Bella, though I was dying to, it was best to wait as when I marked Bella, the separation would be much harder than it was now, at least for the first couple months. Since we are mates, we could now talk without having to dreamscape; meaning that she could talk to me within my own mind as I could for her. She could see through my eyes.

I could feel Bella amusement and replied, "I'm glad you are so amused at my suffering." She laughed as I continued. "I'm only here because I need to keep an eye on Harry. He's already suspicious of Draco and he's willingly being Dumbledore's servant. I hate this." Bella sent reassurance through our link and my anger disappeared. "Be patient muddy." I was broken out of my mind when the door opened and Ginny walking in. Harry immediately stood up and it then clicked. Looks as if someone finally noticed the ginger haired girl. I caught sight of Cormac intently staring at me and sent a glare his way, but he just smirked. Bella's anger flared as I huffed in annoyance. "I'm going to kill that boy if he keeps looking at you like that." I just smiled, soothing her anger. Time seemed to pass slowly, and my leg bounced in impatience. As soon as we could go, I was exiting the dreadful room but paused when I noticed that Harry had not come out with the rest of us. I sighed as I knew he would be doing as Dumbledore asked. I just walked towards the lunch hall.

I now stood with Draco at the astronomy tower, staring out onto the snowy grounds. Every day Draco was getting closer and closer to fixing the cabinet, though I could tell it was taking its toll on him. He couldn't spend as much time as he normally could with his friends or his girlfriend Pansy. She had come to me in tears thinking that Draco was ignoring her, but I reassured her he wasn't and explained that he was busy. So, I had hung out with Pansy. I also had sent a letter to Lucian inquiring about the crown, but he hadn't found anything yet, but he would owl me when he could. "Hey brat." Draco smiled at me and then sighed. He sounded tired as he spoke "This is hard Hermione." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and gave him a side hug saying, "Of course it is Draco, but your nearly there. You can do this." He laughed and replied, "You're only being more encouraging to me today because you miss Bella." I shoved him lightly before sighing and saying "Yes. Ok maybe a little but you can't blame me for missing my beautiful sexy-" I was cut off with Draco screeching "Hermione! Don't talk me about my auntie like that. It's weird." I laughed and looked back out onto the grounds. Even though Hogwarts seemed like a prison to me, it was still beautiful.

I stood, a little impatiently with Draco, in front of the vanishing cabinet. He opened the cabinet's door and placed the green apple within the cabinet. He closed the door and muttered the incantation Harmonia Nectere Passus, and we both waited a second before I felt Bella's excitement. I quickly opened the cabinets door and grinned at the sight that greeted me. I picked up the apple, that had been bitten into, and showed it to Draco, who smiled back at me. "We did it." I smiled at him and replied, "This was all you Draco." He grinned at me and then closed the door still smiling, thankful that this had now been done before term break. I exited the room of requirement and split off from Draco, heading back to my dorm. Mine and Bella's happiness of success mingling together making me feel giddy, though that was not the only reason.

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