Chapter 15: Seriousness

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I had enough of running after Harry with him escaping. There was always something else that aided his escape, or he had just gotten really lucky, but every time? I just couldn't believe that. I knew that Tom getting more and more irritated and angry with Harry and all the time wasted. He wanted to end this whole façade. I decided to call a meeting with my council to discuss what our next options are to be. Hesitant no more, I felt empowered and very angry with the whole mess that Harry had created. I would show him the truth and make him believe it.

My mate had been pushed to her limit, with me facing the trial being apart from her for two weeks not helping, it led her down the path further into her insanity. If there was any chance of winning this 'war' we would have to make sure that everything would be in place when the time comes. The first step of this plan was already in place, I knew it was a matter of time before everything else was ready too but in order to do that, I had to plan accordingly.

Barely a flicker in my mind as I casted Patronus with a message to my council for the meeting. Once an otter now stood a massive wolf, passing it my message; it howled and ran off through the walls. Within the hour, all were seated in the council room however, our council room was more comfortable than many would think.

It consisted of a massive settees and looked more like a living room than a council room. We did have one to keep up appearances but when it was with my closest, I made sure it was a more relaxed environment. Luna and Nevelle sat beside each other as did Draco and Pansy.

Fleur sat on her own, Bill Weasley seat remained empty but I knew that there was a reason he could not be here. Fred and George Weasley sat together, a cheeky grin upon their faces. Tonks and Lupin stood off to the side chatting with Lucian. It was an odd sight to see such a mixed group all together in the room.

The room became silent when they noticed me, all looking at me with questioning eyes. "You all are wondering as to why I called you here today." I paused as everyone seemed to pick up on the seriousness of the situation , they could feel the air crackling with my power knowing that I was serious. "Harry Potter has escaped our clutches too many time and we all need to work together to catch him. Us letting him run wild, allowing him to go about unchecked for this long has caused us havoc."

I could see everyone agreeing with me before I continued, "I admit, I was out of commission for a while dealing with my trial and now Bellatrix will be for a little while too. The time is now where I need your full support." They all nodded, a confidence seemed to settle in the room and I could feel my pack rallying behind me, metaphorically of course. I looked around the room and the amount of pride swelling in my chest as I gazed around at their determined faces.

Sitting down, elbows resting on my knees as I held my head. I didn't need to put on a front with my council, with my friends They knew what was at stake, not just with the wizarding world but with what was to come. Though none of us as any clue what will happen, it with all of us standing together; holding each other up. They all knew that Bella had given into her insanity, so I would be dealing with that so I needed them to help. It was something I was never good at asking but they all seem to know, even if I never said anything. And I couldn't be more grateful.

My voice was steady and stern as I spoke, "I want Harry tracked down quickly, don't bother with Lavender or Ron. I don't care for them. It's time to finally convince and expose Harry to everything. Make sure you are not exposed, maintain your cover but if you have to break it, don't risk it just yet. Fleur-" Her eyes snapped to mine, bright blue eyes stared at me with determination as I continued, "-I need you to endure your cover a little longer, be my eyes and ears." She smiled, nodding in agreement as I turned to the rest. "The waiting is over. It's time to get serious."

The meeting was over in a couple hours as we talked through what I required everyone to do. Fleur would be in touch with her French contacts, the twins will be helping Draco and Pansy with whatever they needed while also getting used to having mates who were vampires, and Neville and Luna will be helping with tracking the rest of the Horcruxes for me. I knew that they had tracked at least two, and we know that Nagini was under protection.

Meanwhile I knew that I would have to deal with Harry. Even I know that I was still too soft on him, inside me that tiny little part of me held out hope that he would see the error of his ways and see the truth behind all of Dumbledores lie that he filled his head. I could feel the small build-up of hope but I quickly brushed it aside. I went to check on Bella, putting all my focus on her for now.  

Hope you enjoyed!

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