Chapter 13-A Promise

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I wanted to visit the twins today as they had opened their new joke shop but first, I had to go with Bella and Narcissa. It had been a week or so since I had lost control and me and Bella had talked briefly but I knew we would have to revisit our conversation soon. I was confused to what they had been discussing while I was getting reprimanded by Lucian, but Bella only sent reassurance through our bond. I heard Bella release a curse as she stepped into a puddle and I chuckled. She sent a glare my way, but I just smiled. We flushed against the wall as some children went passed on some bikes. Why anyone would be cycling in this weather confounded me.

Narcissa turned the corner, standing outside a dark green door and knocked. "Why could have we use apparition while it's like this." I laughed quietly and replied "Bella, we are near muggles. It's better to be safe." She scowled and replied. "I don't like getting wet." My grin widened and I leant in and replied, "That's where you wrong Bella." She flushed slightly at the insinuation and Narcissa scoffed. "Honestly, you two are like two horny boys." I laughed. I know my confidence had grown since finding out who I am, who my parents are and finding my mate and I couldn't imagine me being any different. Well I could, but I didn't want to think of the possibility of me never finding out the truth.

Our moment was broken by Peter Pettigrew opening the door. The mouse like man ushered us into the warm building and quickly closed the door. We removed our hoods and followed Pettigrew down the hall, into a small library room to be greeted with Snape. He flipped his news paper down and stared at us blankly. His face gave away nothing, but his eyes showed intrigue. He put his newspaper down and said, "Run along Wormtail." When he didn't do as asked, Snape lifted his wand and shut the door in his face. I held back my laugh that wanted to escape and composed myself. I could feel Bella amusement as well through our bond.

I still had yet to find out why we were even here. No one knew who Snape was truly loyal too. Maybe no side but I had a feeling. Though I did not trust him completely as it was unclear who he was loyal too, though I did not care who though it would be a shame if he supported Dumbledore, but I hoped that the potion professor was not on the 'light' side.

Bella's hands grazed the shelves and I was brought back into the conversation when Snape said "-down Bella, we mustn't touch what isn't ours." She put the object she was holding down, not as gently, and rolled her eyes. I smirked at Bella getting told off. I know she hated getting told what to do. "As it so happens, I am aware of your situation." Looks like I'm not the only one who has a small amount of trust for Snape. Only time will tell if he's loyal. "You?! The Dark Lord told you?" I knew Bella had to keep up her appearance of the ever-loyal servant to 'Voldemort.' We both knew we couldn't trust Snape until we knew his aim. I could see the slight quirk of his lips as he said "Your sister doubts me. Understandable, over the years, I've played my part so well that that I've deceived the greatest wizard of all time-" Bella let out a snore. "-Only a fool would question it." I huffed in annoyance, Snape's eyes glancing to mine briefly. I could feel his legilimency attempting to enter my mind, but he would not get past the walls that I had built. 'Careful professor. You won't like what you'll find.'

I saw shock and what looked like pride enter his eyes before it disappeared into his nonchalant look. Narcissa voice brought us back to the conversation at hand. "I don't doubt you Severus." Bella turned and spoke, "You should be honoured Cissy, as should Draco." I was confused slightly by the statement until Narcissa spoke, her face showing desperation. "He's just a boy." It clicked why we were here and understood. Though Draco could do what Tom wanted all along, he was Draco.

"I cannot change the Dark Lords mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco." I could feel Bella distrust towards Snape and her voice was low as she spoke. "Swear to it." Both Narcissa and Severus turned towards Bella. "Make the unbreakable vow." She walked towards him, circling, saying "It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort when it matters the most. He'll just slither back into his hole." She walked away saying "Coward." I saw determination flash in his eyes as he said, "Take out your wand." No one was expecting that, but Bella did as asked as I watched them do the unbreakable vow. Severus Snape promising to help Draco by any means. After Narcissa and Severus released each other's forearms, Snape looked at me and said, "What about Romanov?" Bella sneered and replied, "She is loyal to the Dark Lord." I could see the suspicion in his eyes but before he could say anything, I spoke. "Relax Bellatrix, I suppose it's only fair if I make a vow yes?" I saw Bella nod and Snape's eyes widen slightly in shock., though if I was anyone else, I wouldn't have noticed.

I gripped Narcissa forearm as Bella repeated similar lines as before, though when Bella asked the last, some rage surged forward, and I couldn't help but snarl out. "I will." Snape's eyes widened significantly when my eyes flashed red. I guess Dumbledore kept that a secret from his closest supposed ally. Interesting. Time shall tell who's side you are truly on.

I hope you enjoyed. 

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