Chapter 14- Pretending

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This chapter I will try and capture some of Hermione darker thoughts. She is mated to Bellatrix so warning they are quite dark. I was going to leave it for a later chapter, but I thought it was pretty apt. 😁 Enjoy!

I had to pretend that I was knocked out and watched patiently as Harry and Voldemort battled, well more like Voldemort was kicking Harry ass. I did wonder why Voldemort was pretending to be weak when he could easily kill Harry, but I could tell that Voldemort, well Tom since he kept insisting for me to call him that when no one was around, loved being dramatic. I felt a power surge and looked towards where the spells had clashed and could see that the cores had connected. A green dome surrounded the area. Misty like figures burst out from Toms wand. I would ask about that later. There was two I didn't recognise and the other two looked at Harry in what looked like disappointment. I concluded to why; they were Harry's parents. My hearing picked up on them speaking. "My beautiful baby boy. What has Dumbledore turned you into? You were not supposed to be like this." Harry scoffed and replied "Dumbledore hasn't done anything! He is the greatest wizard alive! Why aren't you helping me!" My anger rose and I couldn't help but release a snarl. He has a chance to see his birth parents and treats them like that! Only Tom heard it and looked at me in slight shock before his face showed nothing. I guess he doesn't know I am an Alpha. Harry continued to seemly blame his parents but when his parents tried to explain, he said something that unleashed the fury within me. "You sound as crazy as Bellatrix Lestrange." I was pissed. Screw the plan. I am done with hiding myself. No way in hell am I letting him talk about MY MATE like that! I released my magic, and everyone froze, even Tom. The stones shook due to the power that I had been with-holding all this time. I slowly stood and released a snarl as Harry stared in shock. I knew my eyes would be glowing red and my fangs extended. I stalked towards him but not before shooting a glance at an annoyed Tom, but I saw the understanding in his eyes. He bowed his head. As if he could stop me. Nobody disrespects my mate. Not even the beloved 'chosen one.'

"Hermione?" I ignored him and continued to advance towards a terrified Harry. I couldn't stop the feral grin that broke my face as I smelt his fear, which was gradually increasing. My body was shaking with barely contained rage. I had him backed up against the same tombstone he was forcibly held against beforehand and wandlessly casted so his was pinned with his arms crossed behind his back. The dark thoughts ran rampant in my mind. Hurt him. Peel the flesh off his bones. Make him hurt like you do. He deserves the pain. I aimed my wand against his throat. My voice came out deep and gravelly as I spoke. "First off Harry, you have the luxury of seeing your parents again, so be honoured that you have that chance. I had to watch both my birth parents and adoptive parents get slaughtered like cattle! Secondly." I leant in close to his face and my wand leaving a bruise on his neck. I growled out "If you ever disrespect my mate in front of me again Potter, I won't be so lenient next time." His eyes widened as my words comprehended in his mind. I sneered at him and said. "Do you want to see what your precious Dumbledore is really like?" It was then Tom spoke. "Hermione, you may show him, but we must stick to the plan; all will be revealed in time." I snarled in annoyance. Suddenly, I spun back around to Harry and thrusted my wand to his head and sent all the memories I had acquired. He screamed in pain. But no matter how many memories we showed him, he never believed us. It was too late to convince him. He was set on his warped view of Dumbledore and blinded by his need for fame.

I knew the plan had to be followed but it didn't mean I had to like it. I released an aggravated sigh and release a trembling Harry. I wandlessly sent an Obliviate his way and he forgot about me going all protective over Bella and would think the last of me being knocked out before he fought of 'Voldemort.' I pretended to be knocked out and Harry, even with the slight annoyance on his face, grabbed my arm as he touched the goblet which had been left on purpose close to me and we use the Portkey to go back to the match which had been over for a awhile. I didn't have to pretend to hiss in pain as we landed. Everyone cheered but soon died when they noticed me on the floor. I wasn't going to lie, whatever Tom had hit me with hurt and it took longer to heal because I had the healing glamour, which would last a week. Harry kept screaming that Voldemort was back. I was escorted back to the hospital wing.

I was asleep before my head even hit my pillow. The tasks were over. But at what cost. We just had to wait for Toms next move and to see what Dumbledore would do. Soon, I will end Dumbledore with my own hands. Revenge is sweet.

Updated 16/01/20

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