~Chapter 1~

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"Tomioka-san? What are you doing?"

The echo of Tanjiro's voice snapped Giyuu back to reality. He was still in the library, despite it being 10:34 p.m.

"Tanjiro-kun... It seems I had fallen asleep. I'm going to head to my dorm now." Giyuu mumbles.

Tanjiro was in high school. His school was very close to the university Giyuu was going to, so he regularly visits. He has an astonishing respect for Giyuu. After all, Giyuu was the top of his school a few years back. No one could beat Giyuu's record of getting straight 100% on each exam.

"Tomioka, you ass, I was looking for you. It's really late, let's go back to our dorm," Sanemi calls out to Giyuu.

Giyuu waves goodbye to Tanjiro as he walks to the dorm with Sanemi.

"That Tanjiro boy always visits, doesn't he? He must really like seeing you," Sanemi says to Giyuu.

Giyuu could only nod. He was dead tired. As soon as they reached the dorm, he basically threw himself on to the bed. He fell asleep in the blink of an eye.


The next morning right after a lecture, Giyuu was heading to the toilet. Suddenly, two boys came up to him.

"Hey, Giyuu-kun! Can you help me out? I was wondering if-"

"No, sorry." Giyuu answers bluntly.

The boy was stunned.

"I haven't even told you what I need help with!" He says, trying to convince Giyuu to listen.

"I already said no. I don't want to do anything for anyone today. Buzz off," Giyuu replies.

The two boys were already boiling with anger. "Why you..." He raises a fist to punch Giyuu, but a soft hand stops him.

"All because he didn't want to do something for you, you're going to beat him up? How sad you are..."

A beautiful girl stood before them. She was absolutely captivating. Normally, people would immediately fall in love, but Giyuu wasn't like that. He put his education first. He told himself he would look for love after he graduated and got an amazing job.
   The two boys scoff and walked away.

"Thank you. I really didn't want to go to the nurse again today." Giyuu thanks the girl.

The girl smiles.

"You better work on your talking skills, or else you'll end up nowhere, Tomioka-san," She said.

"I... What's your name?" Giyuu asks. He was intrigued. Not many people knew him.

Actually, everybody knew him.

Everybody knew him as the kid who topped his school. Everybody knew him as the kid who can't talk without starting a fight. Giyuu didn't realize he was popular for such things.

"Don't you remember? My name is Shinobu Kochou, and since Shinazugawa-san was moved to a different dorm, I'll be dorming with you starting today. Just thought I'd help out my new dormie," She smiles.

The name Shinobu Kochou repeated in Giyuu's mind. He didn't know why it seemed so familiar.

"Hey, Tomioka-san, you're really good-looking, aren't you? I bet you get love letters everyday. I know, I'm going to rummage through your drawers once we get back! Then I can find out who likes you and use that information to blackmail them!" Shinobu laughs.

Giyuu smiled slightly. They walked to the dorm together.

Shinobu really did rummage through his drawers.

Giyuu had special drawers for all the love letters he got. He didn't really care if they got thrown away. He just liked keeping them as a trophy.

"Wow... 4 whole drawers JUST for love letters? Oh man, you must be really popular!" Shinobu looks through the drawers.

Giyuu sighed. He sat on his bed and started to pay attention to his homework. He just let Shinobu do what she wanted. He didn't mind Shinobu making a mess, he could quickly clean it up anyways.

"Tomioka-san, I'm going to take a shower. Don't walk into my room or the bathroom without knocking first, alright~?" Shinobu says slyly.

Giyuu nodded. He wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying. Shinobu smiles and goes to the bathroom.
   Giyuu finishes his homework. He went to his desk to do some work on his laptop. Suddenly, his phone vibrates. It was Tanjiro. Giyuu picks up.

"Tomioka-san! I heard you're sharing a dorm with a girl now. Be careful, though, that girl is the girl who always tried to dethrone you back in high school and middle school. She always got second place with you in first place. She's probably out for your blood, so don't say or do anything that might tick her off!" Tanjiro says.

"Ah, alright. Now I remember. When she told me her name, it seemed really familiar. Thanks to you, I finally found out why. Thank you, Tanjiro-kun." Giyuu thanked him.

They both say their goodbyes.

"You found out, huh?" Shinobu mutters.

The clock showed 2:25 p.m.

"Tomioka-san~ We have a class in 5 minutes, don't be late~" Shinobu calls out. Giyuu nods.

They head to class together at 2:27. Giyuu sat down in his normal spot. Shinobu was about to go sit down with some of her friends, but decided to sit down next to Giyuu.

"Kochou-san, aren't you going to sit with your friends? It's not very fun sitting next to me." Giyuu asks.

Shinobu smiled.

"I think sitting next to you would be very fun,"

Something about her words and smile made Giyuu's heart start beating faster. He also noticed his face was starting to get a bit hot. He couldn't focus for the rest of the class and kept stealing glances at Shinobu.
   Whatever it was about her, it made his heart pound. He never felt this way about anyone before.

When the class was over, Shinobu invited Giyuu to the cafeteria. Giyuu wasn't very hungry, but he went anyway.

"What's happening to me? I'd never accept an offer to go to the cafeteria if I weren't hungry..." Giyuu thinks to himself.

He listened to Shinobu tell stories while eating. He paid so much attention that he didn't notice what time it was. He took a look at his phone.

6:32 p.m.

Shinobu was done eating. He held out his hand.

"Let's go back to the dorm."

Shinobu smiled. She held Giyuu's hand.



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