~Chapter 5~

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Giyuu started panicking. He ran outside and shouted for a nurse. A few doctors came running and asked Giyuu to leave. Giyuu, not wanting to delay Sabito's treatment, left hastily.

"Tomioka-senpai, it's alright. I'm sure Sabito-san is going to be just fine," Shinobu comforts a crying Giyuu. Giyuu didn't have the strength to speak, so he just nodded.

Shinobu decided that staying at the hospital would hurt Giyuu more, so she forced Giyuu to stand up and helped him to the car. She drove the car while Giyuu sat in the passenger seat, emotionless.

"Tomioka-senpai, we're here." Shinobu pulls Giyuu out of the car as they had reached the university.

"Eh?? Kochou-san!! Tomioka-san!!" Tanjiro's voice was heard. Shinobu looked in the direction of his voice and saw Tanjiro running over.

"Kochou-san? What happened to Tomioka-san?"

Shinobu smiled.

"One of his really close friends got into an accident. We went to the hospital earlier and it seems as if his condition is worsening. Tomioka-senpai is feeling really beat up right now. Tanjiro-kun, could you accompany Tomioka-senpai? I have something to do in the library," She explains while asking for Tanjiro's help. He immediately agrees to help her and supports Giyuu.

"What will happen to Sabito...?" Giyuu mumbles. Seeing him in such a state hurt Tanjiro's soul. Shinobu had already went to the library, so she, unfortunately, couldn't do a thing. Tanjiro forces a smile.

"I'm sure your friend will be okay! Even if he gets worse, we should just be patient! We never know what fate can do to him," Tanjiro says softly in an attempt to make Giyuu feel better.

He didn't say anything. He just kept quiet. Tanjiro frowned again and carried Giyuu to his and Shinobu's dorm. He let Giyuu off on his bed.

"Tomioka-san..." Tanjiro starts, crouching down to make eye contact with Giyuu. He couldn't force Giyuu to keep his head up, so he had to go down.

"Tomioka-san, listen to me. Sabito-san will definitely be alright. As I said, even if he gets worse, he can't get that worse. He just got into an accident. He won't suddenly get cancer. He's going to be okay, Tomioka-san. I know how strong and smart Sabito-san is, and a car accident will most likely be just a scratch to him. Sabito-san is amazing, strong- emotionally and physically. You and Sabito-san are almost the same. I'm positive that if you get upset over such a small thing like this, Sabito-san will look down on you." He says to Giyuu. Giyuu slowly lifts his head.


"So, keep your head up, and smile! Smile, even if it kills you. Smile, even if you're hurting like hell. Smile, even if someone close to you dies. Smile. You're stronger than you think you are, Tomioka-san! I know so!" Tanjiro beams.

Giyuu's eyes widen. He wasn't used to people telling him that. Not many people cared enough about him to tell him such motivating words.

"Why would you say such things?" Giyuu asked, still gloomy.

"Well... Kochou-san told me about your anxiety. Since you two were close friends, she said you always shared what you were feeling with her. She told me she was worried about you, but she couldn't find the words to help you. She's been suffering for you herself, you know! So you better treasure Kochou-san, because no one else except her will treat you like this ever again!" Tanjiro explains.

A smile slowly formed on Giyuu's face.

"Thank you, Tanjiro-kun."

"Yoohoo! I'm home~!" Shinobu's voice echoed through the hall. Giyuu rushes to stand up and dashes to his doorway. He sees Shinobu in the hallway and runs towards her. As soon as he reached her, he pulled her into a tight hug. Shinobu was a bit confused, but she returned the hug as always. After a while, she heard Giyuu's quiet sobs.

"Eh? Eh?? Tomioka-senpai, are you okay? Please don't cry, Tomioka-senpai. Everything is going to be alright, okay? Don't cry." She comforts him, rubbing his back.

"Thank you, Kochou-san."

Those words confused Shinobu even more. She doesn't remember doing anything for him. Suddenly, Giyuu gently places a kiss on Shinobu's lips.

"Tanjiro-kun told me everything. I'm sorry you had to suffer for me. Thank you so much for doing your very best. You don't have to help me, you know. I should be the one helping you. After all, a gentleman always helps his lady in her times of need." He explains.

Shinobu turned as red as a tomato. Something about the way Giyuu kissed her and talked to her afterwards made her spine tingle.

"Ah, it's late! I should get home or I'll get a proper beating from my sister. Goodnight, Tomioka-san, Kochou-san!" Tanjiro says as he leaves.

Tanjiro waves to Giyuu. Giyuu waves back while smiling.

"Oh, Tomioka-san! That's the second smile tonight! Good job!" Tanjiro calls out as he runs home.

Giyuu chuckles. Then, he feels Shinobu tug his shirt.

" T... Tomioka-senpai, can I... Sleep with you tonight..? " She asks, averting her eyes. She was obviously embarrassed. Giyuu blinks at her.

"Sure." He smiles, lifting Shinobu's chin, staring into her eyes.

They walk into Giyuu's room. Giyuu laid down on the bed, and pat the other side of the bed, gesturing for Shinobu to lay down. As Shinobu lays down, Giyuu pulls her towards his chest.

"I love you, you know that?" Giyuu whispers.

Shinobu smiles. She looks up to stare into Giyuu's eyes.

"I love you too, Tomioka-senpai." She says as she places a kiss on his lips.


Sabito took a sharp breath. He saw all the wires attached to him.

"What..? Wait.. What? Wait, wait... Urokodaki-san? Makomo? Where am I..? Where is everybody?" He asks himself out loud. He sees some kanji on the door of his room.

"I'm... I'm in Tokyo? I'm actually in Japan?" He asks himself again. He saw the door open. A masked figure stood in the doorway. All the lights in the hallway seemed to be turned off.

"Good evening, Sabito-san. Good to see that you've woken up. You must recover swiftly, there are people who are currently waiting for your awakening."

And with that, he left. Sabito was confused. He looked at the clock on the wall. It showed 4:20 a.m.

"Heh, nice, I should probably rest some more." He says to himself as he drifts into sleep once again.



I want someone to tell me that lmao

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I want someone to tell me that lmao.

I also want someone to love me as much as Giyuu loves Shinobu.

I also wish I woke up at 4:20 am to see some masked dumbass telling me people are waiting for me.

im livid yall.

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