~Chapter 2~

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Giyuu and Shinobu talked and talked all the way to their dorm.

"You know, Tomioka-san, I don't feel the least bit offended by anything you say. I must be helping you a lot," Shinobu giggles.

Giyuu chuckled.

"Sure you are."

Giyuu then bumps into a young man seemingly of his height. He immediately starts apologizing.

"Ah, no, no, it's alright... Wait, Shinobu-chan? Why didn't you tell me you moved here~? We could've had so much fun!" The young man laughs.

Shinobu scowls.

"Let's go, Tomioka-san. I don't have time to deal with this awful human being." She pulls Giyuu's hand.

"Do say hello to Kanae for me~!" He calls out.

They arrived to the dorm.

"Uh... Kochou-san? Who was that just now?" Giyuu asks nervously.

"His name is Douma. He used to date my older sister, Kanae, but then he broke her heart in the cruelest way possible. I hate him. I already knew he was bad news, but Kanae never listened," Shinobu explains.

Giyuu didn't know what to say. Instead, he pulled Shinobu into a tight hug.

"I'm very sorry. No one should have to go through that, even if it's their sibling. You must have been frustrated," he says to her softly.

Shinobu was... Shocked, to say the least. She knew Giyuu wasn't really affectionate towards other people. Nonetheless, she returned the hug.

"You know, Tomioka-san, I feel kind of... Weird... Calling you that. How about... Tomioka-senpai?" Shinobu smiles.

A shiver ran down Giyuu's spine. Even though he was used to people calling him "Senpai", something about the way Shinobu said it made him blush.

"I'm fine with whatever you call me." He tells her.

Shinobu pulls away and goes to her own room. Giyuu laid in bed that night but couldn't go to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Shinobu. Everything he did could never be done without Shinobu passing his mind at least once.

Is this what people call love?


Giyuu walked out of the lecture and headed to the cafeteria. He saw Shinobu sitting with a few other students. He himself knew some of those students, such as Sanemi, Kyoujurou, and Tengen. Giyuu takes a step forward to go sit with Shinobu, but he remembers that nobody really likes him. Even his former roommate, Sanemi didn't seem to enjoy Giyuu's company much.
   He sighs and starts to walk away. Just as he did, Shinobu calls out to him.

"Tomioka-senpai! Wait up!"

Giyuu turns around and sees Shinobu running towards him. He didn't know why, but he started smiling. Shinobu stops.

"Ew, Tomioka-senpai, please don't smile. You look like a perv," She shoots at him.

Giyuu immediately returns to his frowning face.

"Even if I do, you didn't have to say it so loudly," He mumbles.

Shinobu laughs. She grabs hold of Giyuu's hand and they head to their dorm.


"Tomioka-senpai~! Can you help me?" Shinobu wraps her arms around Giyuu's neck. Giyuu was doing work on his computer.

"What do you need help with?" He asks, totally unfazed by Shinobu's arms around his neck.

"Well... Some guy from the building next to us asked me out on a date. He looked so innocent, I didn't have the heart to refuse. So.. I'm supposed to meet him at some park at 7 p.m., but I really don't want to. Can you come along and act as my boyfriend?" Shinobu explains.

Giyuu immediately turned as red as a tomato.

"M-me? Your boyfriend? W... Why me? You should ask Kyoujurou-kun, he's way better with women," Giyuu said, flustered.

"Rengoku-san isn't available tonight. He said he's going back to his hometown since it's the weekends. I don't want to bother Uzui-san since he already has 3 girlfriends, I might get beat up. Shinazugawa-san is way too scary. Muichirou-san, Kanroji-san and Iguro-san are all unavailable. You're the only person I can ask," She says, leaning down to stare into Giyuu's eyes.

Giyuu sighs.

"Alright. I'll do it. It's already 6:56, we should get ready," He accepts Shinobu's request.

Shinobu beams with happiness. She goes to her own room and gets ready. Giyuu, after putting on some more presentable clothes, sits on his bed.

"Ah... Wouldn't it be nice if we were actually a couple instead of just faking it? This is... Shitty," He says to himself.

"Tomioka-senpai, I'm ready, let's go," Shinobu calls out.

Giyuu walks out to see Shinobu wearing a lavender blouse with a white skirt. Shinobu never wore skirts, even more so in front of Giyuu. Giyuu tried his best not to blush again.
   He takes hold of Shinobu's hand.

"Shall we?"

Shinobu smiles. They head out and go to the park where a young man with brown hair was standing. Shinobu and Giyuu head over to the young man.

"Ah, Kochou-san! I was- Who's he??" The young man asks.

"Good evening, Kudo-san, this is Giyuu Tomioka-senpai, my boyfriend! I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, I was really distracted with you asking me out and all that!" Shinobu introduces Giyuu to the young man.

He was obviously upset.

"B... Boyfriend? Wait... Isn't he the really smart kid who topped his school for 6 straight years? But is like, really bad at talking? You'd rather date him over me, someone who has almost straight As and great talking skills?!" He yells.

"S... Shinobu-chan, what did he say? I don't speak dumbass, unfortunately," Giyuu asks. At first, he was hesitant about calling Shinobu by her first name.

"Why you..." The young man raises his fist.

"Kudo-san, cut it out. I only accepted your invitation because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I don't like you, Tomioka-senpai has nothing to do with my feelings for you," Shinobu grabs his arm.

He scoffs and walks away. Shinobu breathes a sigh of relief.

"Oh man, Tomioka-senpai, no wonder people hate you," she laughs as she remembers his remark. Giyuu smiles very softly.

"Let's go back, I have a lot of studying to do." He takes hold of Shinobu's hand.

"Ah, can we talk once we get back?" Shinobu asks while they walk towards the university. Giyuu only gave a weak nod.

"This is it, she's finally going to confront me about last year."


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