~Sabito Special~

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Before we start this chapter, I'd like to thank all of you for your support. This story has gotten around 1.7k reads. I have never achieved such heights. With all the votes, comments and reads I get, I can't help but sob. Thank you all so much.

This chapter will focus on Sabito's life in Italy after he graduated and moved away from Japan.

By the way, Makomo and Sabito are NOT siblings. i aint into incest lol- Plus, to me personally, it doesn't seem like they have a big age gap, so-

Alright, that's all, have a fun time reading lol


It was graduation day. Sabito hugged Giyuu and Urokodaki.

"Giyuu, let's study at the same university, together! Urokodaki-san, please visit us!" He smiles. Giyuu nods happily. Suddenly, Urokodaki's phone buzzed.

"Hello? Sakonji Urokodaki speaking." He picks up.

"You want to talk to Sabito? Alright," he then passes the phone to Sabito.

Sabito, heart pounding, put the phone to his ear.


"Sabito, I got you a scholarship in Italy. You will leave Japan and start learning in Italy tomorrow." His mother says on the other line.

Sabito was absolutely heart broken. He didn't want to leave Japan. He didn't want to leave Urokodaki.

He didn't want to leave Giyuu.

His eyes widened at his mother's request. If he didn't know how strict his mother was about this kind of thing, he would try to argue. However, he knew that it was going to be of no use.

"Yes, mother. I'll pack my bags tonight." He says sadly.

He hangs up the phone. Tears filled his eyes.

"Sabito, are you okay? Who was that? What did they want?" Giyuu asked.

Sabito smiled through his tears. He hugged Giyuu tightly.

"I'm sorry, Giyuu. My mother wants me to learn at Italy. I wish I could defy her, but... You know how my mother is about this kind of thing," he apologizes to Giyuu.

"What? Wait.. No! You can't leave! What about Urokodaki-san? What about this school? What about me?" Giyuu shouts.

Sabito didn't want to look back. He walked home, listening to Giyuu shout his name countless of times. It hurt his heart so much, but he couldn't do anything about it.


Sabito sat in the airplane, staring out the window. His mother was accompanying him, but she will go home right after they land.

Once they reached Italy, his mother bid him farewell. He acted as if he was sad, but on the inside, he despised his mother for bringing him there. He wanted to stay with his friends in Japan. He walked into his hostel to register.
   Once he did, he accidentally bumped into a girl. He immediately apologizes and helps her up.

"Thank you. You must be Sabito? I heard a lot about you from a few of my other friends from Japan," she says. She had a soft and sweet voice. She was cute, too.

Sabito blushed slightly. 

"Nice to meet you! I must be popular with the other children in Japan. As you know, my name is Sabito. You?" He asks, smiling.

"Makomo. Pleasure to meet you too." Makomo smiled.

They discovered that they were assigned to the same dorm. Sabito and Makomo started to get along. They had the same classes together, and since they both knew nobody in the entire school, they always sat together. They would do everything together.

Then, on Christmas night...

-25th December, 2016-

"Sabito, I have something I need to tell you." Makomo tugged on Sabito's shirt.

Sabito stopped walking and faced Makomo.

"Sabito, from the moment we met, something woke up in me. I was never able to feel certain emotions. Some would even call me emotionless, but that's not what I am now. After I met you, you made my life colorful. I had saw the world as such a monotone place, but you colored it like magic. Sabito, you are the one who made my life complete. Now I don't have to suffer alone anymore," she says. She gives Sabito a small present.

"I love you, Sabito."

Sabito was taken aback. He himself had feelings for Makomo, but he never knew she felt the same way. He was afraid of telling her. He smiled.

"I love you too, Makomo. I accept your love confession." He smiles softly. He takes the present.

It was a pair of maroon colored gloves. They seemed like the type his old friend Giyuu would always wear during winter. He smiled. Sabito pulled Makomo into a kiss. They felt warmth in the middle of a cold, dark night.

It was a good night for both of them.



into a kidd

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into a kidd

I had misspelled the word "kiss" countless of times because of how many times I've put it into my stories. Hope you guys had fun reading this chapter!

Honestly, this was just a fun thing for me to do since I had writer's block, but I didn't want to keep any of my readers waiting anymore. I had already taken, what, a whole month to write chapter 7?

Thank you again to those of you who support me and what I do. It is currently 8 A.M and I haven't slept. Thank you.

think of this as a oneshot lol

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