~Chapter 8~

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Giyuu was walking to the cafeteria. Shinobu was still in a lecture, and they promised to meet each other at the cafeteria. Giyuu sat down somewhere not many people would want to sit.

That place is next to him, of course.

He pulled out a few books and started to do schoolwork. As he was working, a girl with long white hair walked towards him.

"You must be Giyuu Tomioka! I've heard so much about you!" She smiled. She sat down next to Giyuu.

Giyuu heard her voice, but since it wasn't Shinobu, he didn't bother answering. Instead, he just focused on his work.
   The girl sat there quietly, waiting for him to answer. She decided to go with Douma's plan. She placed a hand on Giyuu's lap.

"Um, please don't do that, whoever you are. I'm trying to focus. Plus, I have a girlfriend." He replies bluntly.

"Are you sure you don't want this~?" She said slyly. She started to run her hand up Giyuu's chest. Giyuu slapped her hand off him. He stood up angrily. He faced the girl.

"You know what, stay here all you want. I don't want anything to do with you. Go flirt with some other guy. I'm taken. Get away from me," he says calmly.

The girl sat there, shocked. She just watched as Giyuu made his way to his dorm.

"He really is a difficult one." She muttered.

Giyuu discovered that the girl's name was Ume. She was a year younger than him. Yes, she was pretty, but to Giyuu, Shinobu was prettier.
   Giyuu was walking to his lecture when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Tomioka-senpai!! Wait up!" Shinobu called.

Giyuu turned around. He saw Shinobu running towards him. He stopped walking for a bit to let her catch up.

They walked into the lecture together talking and smiling.


Giyuu and Shinobu were walking to their dorm. It was surprisingly quiet. Usually, Shinobu would talk a lot no matter where they were.

"Hey, Tomioka-senpai..." Shinobu suddenly spoke up.

"Who was that white-haired girl you were just with?" She asks.

Giyuu flinched. He didn't realize that Shinobu had seen him with Ume.

"Kochou-san, she was only-"

"Only a friend? Only someone who was disturbing you? Only a stranger?" Shinobu scowls.

Giyuu's eyes widened slightly.

Shinobu wasn't smiling anymore. She was obviously angry. She pulled out her phone.

"I know I shouldn't believe anything Douma says, but this time he had photographic proof."

Shinobu shoved her phone in Giyuu's face.

Douma : Shinobu-chan!! You won't believe who I just saw with another girl, smiling!
Shinobu : Get out of my dm, you worthless piece of trash.
Douma : Shinobu-chan, Tomioka-san was with another girl! I am doing nothing but trying to show you what Tomioka-san is truly like!!
Shinobu : ... Tomioka-senpai would never smile with another girl.

Douma had sent Shinobu a picture. It was Giyuu, smiling while Ume had her hand on Giyuu's chest.

"You know what, Tomioka-sen.. No, Tomioka-san, why don't you just move in with that Ume girl? I'm sure you like her better than me anyways." Shinobu said with a tone of anger in her voice.

"Let's break up, Tomioka-san. You're a stranger to me now. Don't approach me if you see me."

Giyuu's heart was absolutely broken. Someone he had loved so much left him. He wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out.

This was just a reality he had to come into terms with.


It had been a week since Giyuu and Shinobu parted ways. Giyuu was an absolute mess. His usually organized and clean room looked like a rat's nest. His usually amazing grades had dropped by 10%. His usually serious self was more depressed than ever.

Giyuu was lying in bed, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He got multiple messages.

[Kanroji made the group "GIYUU R U OK"]

Kanroji : Tomioka-san!!! Please answer my calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very worried about you!
: Tomioka-kun, please answer us. What happened to you?
Kanroji : Shinazugawa-san!!!!! Don't talk to him like that! That'll make him even more depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sanemi : sorry.
Iguro : Honestly, I could care less about Giyuu-san, but since Mitsuri-chan cares about him, I guess I will too. Giyuu-san, are you okay? Did something happen between you and Kochou-kun?
Kanroji : OMG YA should I add Shinobu-chan?
Iguro : I don't think you should. She might not want to talk to Giyuu-san right now.
Tokitou : tomioka-san please answer
Uzui : Look, Giyuu-san, Shinobu-san can be difficult at times. This is probably just a phase, I'm sure you guys didn't break up or anything!

Giyuu stared at his phone. He was flattered that they all were worried about him, but he knew they couldn't help him no matter how hard they tried.

Giyuu : Dear fellow top-scorers, I am flattered that you all are worried about me. Yes, something happened between me and Kochou-san. We broke up. A fellow student at our university framed me for enjoying sexual harassment from another student. He had, I assume, edited a photo of me and that other student. I wish I could've done something, but I'm too late. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

After sending that message, Giyuu muted the group chat. He didn't want to be disturbed. Then, he got a call from Muichirou. He decided to pick up, since Muichirou rarely calls him.

"Yes, Muichirou-san? What did you need?" He asks. His voice was low and not as energetic as it used to be.

"Tomioka-san, if you don't get yourself together right this instant, I will literally call a whole ass dinner for all of us, including Kagaya Ubuyashiki and his family. You and Kochou-san breaking up isn't the end of the world. Just tell Kochou-san that the photo that other guy sent was edited. Stop acting so idiotic. You're the smartest out of all of us." Muichirou scolded.

Giyuu's eyes widened slightly. He heard Muichirou hang up. He checked his messages again. Most of them were DMs from the other top-scorers, but one of them was a message from Shinobu. He quickly stood up and read what she said.

Shinobu<3 : Tomioka-san, I heard Mitsuri-chan made a group chat for you. She had sent me a few screenshots. I can't believe you're just trying to lie to them so that they'll pity you. I'm glad Douma sent me that photo, or I would still be dating a liar. This was my own decision. Don't come crawling back to me.

[Shinobu<3 has blocked you]

Tears filled Giyuu's eyes. He couldn't ask for help from anyone. He buried his face in his knees.

Since Shinobu moved out, his dorm was quiet. All he could hear was his own sobs.

Why did Shinobu had to leave him?


Ruh roh raggy

So just for clarification, the Pillars™ are called the 9 Top-Scorers. All of their grades are 98% or more. They all went to the same tuition, Ubuyashiki Tuition. Kagaya Ubuyashiki, or in the anime/manga, Oyakata-sama, is the "principal" of said tuition and usually teaches our kool kids. He got sick for a while and his wife, Amane had to take over for him. He got better after 5 months. All of the Pillars have their own loved teacher, but Kagaya is #1 kagaya ily <3

They rarely see Kagaya after attending university/high school, but as Tokitou said, they'll sometimes arrange dinners where they meet each other at a certain diner. They all love each other in this AU because I think Giyuu deserves <3

woah get ready for next chapter lol shinobu dummy hecka mad

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