~Chapter 10~

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This chapter contains spoilers from the Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. Read at your own risk idiot

It was a bright, beautiful Sunday morning. The hospital was, as per usual, filled with people already.

"Shinazugawa-san... Are you sure we can just push through the crowd like this?"

Sanemi and Shinobu were in the hospital, pushing their way through the crowd. Sanemi had placed Shinobu under his arm.

"Why wouldn't it be okay? I mean, they aren't the ones that are sick." Sanemi says.

Shinobu giggles slightly. They soon appear at Giyuu's room. Sanemi violently opens the door, alerting other people, resulting in him getting scolded.
   They walked in and saw Giyuu just lying there on his bed. His eyes were open, his heart monitor machine was beeping, but he wasn't moving. Giyuu glanced at Shinobu and Sanemi.

"Kochou-san... Shinazugawa-san... I'm so glad you could come." Giyuu mumbles loud enough for them to hear, but his voice was soft and hoarse.

His bed sheets and hospital clothing were drenched in his blood. Upon seeing this, tears filled Shinobu's eyes. Sanemi stared at his dirty clothes. He could only watch as Shinobu crouched down, clenching the bed sheet. She was crying.
   Sanemi looked at Giyuu again. He couldn't help but see his younger brother in him.


-Sanemi's flashback-

Sanemi walked towards a bright room. As he stepped in it, his vision turned from almost pure white to normal. He could see his younger brother, Genya. He was sitting on his hospital bed, eating the food a nurse had given to him. Genya looked up and stared at Sanemi. After a while, he finally smiled.

"'Nemi! You came!" He chirped.

Sanemi smiled.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I want to see my baby brother?" Sanemi laughed, ruffling Genya's hair. After hearing Genya laugh, Sanemi smiled to himself. He wanted to keep this happy memory until he died.

If only all his memories were happy.

Sanemi hummed a melody to himself while walking to Genya's room. He was holding a paper bag from McDonald's. The doctors told Sanemi that Genya was healthy enough to eat fast food, so Sanemi figured that it was his prize for being so strong. He opened the door to his room.


Sanemi heard extremely slow beeps coming from the heart monitor machine. He carefully placed the McDonald's bag on a chair and rushed to Genya's side. He squeezed Genya's hand.

"'Nemi... If I die..." Genya muttered.

"Shut up! You won't die! Pull yourself together! 'Nemi's going to help you... I'm going to help you however I can!!" Sanemi cried. Tears started to drip down his face.

"'Nemi... I wanted to get healthier so I could protect you... Just like how you protected me..." Genya smiled.

"Why?! Why would you even try to protect me?! You knew your illness was something you couldn't get rid of, yet you still thought about protecting me, your worthless older brother!" Sanemi cried once more.

"I wanted to protect you... Even if other people say you're horrible... I'll tell them you're not, no matter how many times I have to... Because my 'Nemi... Is... The nicest... Person... Ever." Genya mumbled.

A long, loud beep struck Sanemi's ears. He couldn't do anything about it but cry.

-End of Flashback-

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