~Chapter 7~

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-8:45 A.M, Tuesday-

Giyuu walked out of the lecture hall with a drink in hand. He was going to go to the cafeteria where he promised to meet Shinobu. She was still in a lecture, so he walked alone.

He bumped into a young man and accidentally spilled his drink all over him.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been more focused and careful," He says frantically.

"No, no, it's alright!"

Something about that voice... It seemed familiar to Giyuu. He looked up. He saw the same rainbow eyes and silver hair that he saw the other day.

It was Douma.

Giyuu's eyes widened slightly. He felt sick to his stomach. Despite trying his best to gain his composure, Douma quickly noticed that something was wrong.

"Oh, you're Tomioka Giyuu, right? You're the one dating Shinobu?" He asked.

Giyuu nodded. He was prepared for anything Douma had to say.

"Huh... Why's your hair like that? Like, really messy. Also, you seem pretty short. What's up with that? Are you okay? Why do you look like you're dead?" Douma asks continuously.

Giyuu taps his chin.

"Well, I never really got the time to style or cut my hair, plus I think it's better this way. I look weird with short hair. I'm not that short really, I'm 176 cm tall. I think it's because you're really tall. It must be great being tall. My eyes are naturally empty, and sometimes I do die inside but only on special days." Giyuu says.

Douma scrunches his nose. He didn't expect Giyuu to answer in such a polite way. Giyuu was starting to seem like the type of person Douma hated the most.

"You didn't have to answer all those questions. You could've just walked away without answering them. I wouldn't be mad," Douma scowls.

"That wouldn't be very polite. I would answer the questions of even the person I hate the most. I don't hate you or dislike you in any way, so I think I should answer your questions." Giyuu says calmly.

Douma starts to get angrier. He decides to leave Giyuu alone and go off to his lecture. Giyuu was left confused in the middle of the hallway.

-4:21 P.M-

"Kochou-san, I'm home," Giyuu calls out. He sees Shinobu slowly walking out of her room with a blanket on. Giyuu rushes to her side.

"Kochou-san, are you okay? Are you sick?" He asked frantically.

Shinobu could only nod.

Giyuu furrowed his eyebrows and carried Shinobu to his room. He gently placed Shinobu on the bed.

"I won't allow you to get out of bed until you're healthy. I'll tell all the professors that you're not well." He says to her gently.

Shinobu wanted to say something, but Giyuu quickly placed a kiss on her lips. After he pulled away, he smiled softly at her.


The halls were empty. The only sound there was were the footsteps of Giyuu. He was going to walk into every full lecture room he could find to talk to all the professors. He heard a loud voice from room 234. He opens the door.
   The whole room runs silent as Giyuu walked in. Everyone expected him to take a seat, but he kept walking until he reached the professor.

"Tetsuya-sensei, I must ask you to excuse Shinobu Kochou from her lectures. She currently has a high fever. I apologize for the intrusion," He says as he bows.

Ms. Tetsuya smiled. She was one of the many professors who loved talking to Giyuu. He was smart and respectful. Giyuu was a favorite student in the university. Shinobu was one of their favorite students too.

"Of course! Tell Shinobu-san that she doesn't have to worry about missing my lectures and classes. I'm sure you'll step in for her and take her notes! What a nice friend you are!" She chirps.

Giyuu nodded and left the room.


Giyuu tottered back to his and Shinobu's dorm. He had walked for at least 4 hours. He opened the door to his room and saw Shinobu lying on his bed. He walked over and laid on the bed with her.

"Welcome back." Shinobu whispers as she kisses Giyuu's forehead.

Giyuu smiles. He falls asleep as soon as he does, though.

Shinobu giggles slightly. She pulled Giyuu closer to her.

-10:32 A.M., Thursday-

Giyuu had just finished taking notes for a lecture Shinobu was supposed to be in. He walked out of the lecture hall to someone putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Tomioka-kun! How are you? I heard Kochou-san got sick! Is she alright?" Kyoujurou asked.

Giyuu nodded. He was slightly shocked that Kyoujurou was talking to him since not many people liked Giyuu.

"Aw.. Tell her I said get well soon! Take care of Kochou-san, alright? I trust you, Tomioka-kun!" Kyoujurou says cheerfully.

Giyuu smiled slightly. It felt nice knowing someone other than his family and Shinobu trusted him. He thanked Kyoujurou and headed to his dorm.

-At dorm-

"Kochou-san, where are you?" Giyuu calls out.

He sees Shinobu walk out of his room and towards him completely fine.

"Guess what, Tomioka-senpai! I'm feeling better! Thank you so much for looking after me. I love you!" Shinobu beams. She placed a gentle kiss on Giyuu's lips.

Giyuu smiles again. He returns the kiss.

-Meanwhile, somewhere in the university...-

"Are you up for it, Ume-chan?" Douma smiles. A girl with long white hair smiled back, menacingly.

"Of course, Douma-san."



i have no valid excuse i was just lazy and every time i wanted to write, my brain goes "hey you should watch flamingo :0"

ty for reading lol

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