~Chapter 9~

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-12:32 P.M, Saturday-

The sound of footsteps filled the empty, quiet hospital hallway. Giyuu was visiting Sabito. It had been a while since he saw him.
   He arrived to Sabito's room. He slowly opened the door. Giyuu saw Sabito lying on the bed, and a girl with medium length black hair was bent down. It seemed like she was kissing his forehead. Giyuu walked in quietly and sat down.

"Hey, you're Giyuu Tomioka... Right?" The girl suddenly asked. She caught Giyuu off-guard, so he flinched a little.

"Ah, yes. I'm an old friend of Sabito's, you?" He asks back.

"I'm Makomo. You could say that I'm Sabito's girlfriend. We started dating 4 months after he and I moved to Italy. Sabito would talk a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She smiled.

Giyuu smiled slightly as well. It was nice knowing Sabito finally found someone he loved. Giyuu stood up and walked towards Sabito. He saw that his eyes were opening slightly.

"Giyuu..? Where's Shinobu-san...?" Sabito asks. He slowly stood up and scanned the room.

Giyuu closed his eyes and smiled.

"We broke up."

Sabito's eyes widened.

"Are you serious? Why?" Sabito asked frantically. He couldn't understand what went wrong with their relationship.

"There's this one student at our university who, I'm assuming, likes Kochou-san. He edited a photo of me and another girl, making me seem like I was enjoying sexual harassment from her. I-" He explained, but was cut off by his phone buzzing.

It was a call from Sanemi. Giyuu picked up.

"Oi, Tomioka. In 30 minutes, go to Ubuyashiki Tuition. I don't fuckin' care if you don't want to, I'll drag your ass here."

After that seemingly threatening message, Sanemi hung up. Giyuu sighed. They probably wanted to ask him what was wrong. He decided to go anyways, since having Sanemi suddenly show up and drag him somewhere would be extremely embarrassing.
   30 minutes had passed. Giyuu was already driving to Ubuyashiki Tuition. As he arrived, he saw Sanemi about to get in his car. Sanemi caught sight of Giyuu.

"Oh. I honestly didn't expect you would come here on your own. Okay, let's head upstairs," Sanemi says.

Giyuu followed Sanemi up the stairs to the class they learned in as children. He saw all sorts of new things on the wall. A certain piece of paper placed on the wall caught his eye. He walked towards it.

Giyuu Tomioka
Maths = 100%
English = 100%
Social Studies = 100%
Japanese = 100%
Science = 100%

Join Ubuyashiki Tuition for amazing results like these now!!

Giyuu smiled to himself.

"Oi, Tomioka. You comin'?" Sanemi called out.

Giyuu turned to his direction and nodded. They entered a classroom where Giyuu saw all his friends.

"Ah, Tomioka-kun. Glad you could join us," Gyomei said to Giyuu. Giyuu gave a weak nod as a response.

"Giyuu Tomioka. It's been so long since I last saw you. Have you been well? Are you still earning marvelous grades?" Kagaya asks him.

"Ubuyashiki-sensei... Yes. I can't thank you enough for teaching me. I do hope you are feeling well too." Giyuu bows.

Suddenly, he heard a chair fall over.

"Shinazugawa-san!! You never told me he would be here!" Shinobu yelled.

Giyuu looked in Shinobu's direction. As soon as he did, they made eye contact.


Shinobu walked right over to Giyuu and slapped him.

"Shinobu-chan!" Mitsuri yelled out, but Kagaya put a hand on her shoulder, simply telling her to leave them alone. The other top-scorers stared as Giyuu and Shinobu were about to argue.

"I told you to never show yourself in front of me, and what do you do?" Shinobu scowled.

Giyuu put his hand on his cheek, "Technically... Shinazugawa-san forced me to come here... I don't think I should be blamed for listening to him," Giyuu said.

"Tomioka-san... You absolute dumbass! Don't drag me into your couple drama, god damn it!! " Sanemi thought to himself.

"I don't care if this was all Shinazugawa-san's fault. You were the one who enjoyed sexual harassment!! Of course I was mad!!" Tears started to roll down Shinobu's cheeks.

Giyuu's eyes widened.

"I loved you, Tomioka-senpai!! You were everything to me! When Douma sent me those photos, I couldn't believe my own damn eyes!!! I knew you would never do such a thing, but since it was a photo, I was forced to believe what was in front of me! I wish I never made the decision to break up with you!!! Knowing you, you probably suffered when I told you I didn't love you anymore... And when you actually listened to me when I told you to stay away, my heart just hurt even more!!" Shinobu yelled through hiccups. She wiped her eyes, but her tears wouldn't stop.

Suddenly, she felt a familiar warmth wrap around her. Giyuu hugged her, despite the fact that Shinobu had hurt him so much. She clenched her fists.

"I'm sorry I never realized how you felt. You must have suffered as well. No matter how much it hurt me, I had to accept that you didn't love me. I'm sorry I never realized how much that hurt you." Giyuu whispered lovingly. It was nice to hear Giyuu talking in such a soft way.

"Tomioka-san... Why are you treating me this way?" Shinobu asked. Giyuu pulled away and stared into her eyes.

"You called me 'Tomioka-senpai'."

Giyuu smiled. It had been such a long time since Giyuu smiled. All the other top-scorers and even Kagaya couldn't help but smile too.


Giyuu started coughing. Very badly. He fell to his knees and coughed into his cupped hands. Shinobu rushed to see what was wrong.

Giyuu pulled his hands away from his mouth...

Only to reveal he had been coughing out blood.

He wanted to stop coughing, but he couldn't. The coughs got violent. Kagaya had to call the ambulance.
   However, when they arrived, Giyuu's shirt was filled with blood and he had passed out. His face was pale. Shinobu was the only one allowed to follow in the ambulance on the ride to the hospital.
   She held Giyuu's hand tightly.

"Tomioka-senpai... Why didn't you tell me?" She muttered.



so I take a quick nap before I continue writing, and my notifications are just filled with "douma is an ass/asshole" im--

Also, I will now publicly announce that this story will have:-

2 endings, 1 good ending and 1 bad ending.
2 after-endings, 1 good, 1 bad.

This story is going to end in a few more chapters, and I hope you all have been enjoying healthy Giyuu up to this point!! :)

i am satan im so sorry i love all of u gg

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