~Chapter 6~

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-8:45 A.M-

Giyuu was sleeping soundly next to Shinobu when suddenly his phone started vibrating. He grabbed his phone and saw that it was a call from the hospital. He immediately shot up and answered.

"Hello? Is this Giyuu Tomioka-san?" A female voice asked.

"Yes, this is Giyuu Tomioka speaking. Is anything wrong? Did something happen?" He replied calmly, but his heart was pounding. Why did they call? Did Sabito's condition worsen?

"Ah, I'd just like to inform you that Sabito-san in room 345 has woken up from his coma. It'd be lovely if you could come and see him," she explains.

Giyuu's heart stopped pounding. The feeling of worry and fear was overthrown with relief and happiness.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for making you look after my friend, Sabito. If I could I would've taken care of him myself. Thank you so much for informing me." Giyuu thanked the woman.

He hung up and gently woke up Shinobu.

"Butterfly, wake up. We need to get to the hospital. Sabito woke up," he smiles softly.

Shinobu groans and sits up. She faced Giyuu. The way Giyuu smiled at her was so soft. The only other person who'd smile at her like that was her sister, Kanae. Her cheeks were slightly tinted pink.
She placed a gentle kiss on Giyuu's lips. She smiled after seeing Giyuu getting all embarrassed and confused.

"Tomioka-senpai, why don't we take a bath together?" Shinobu says, gently placing her head on Giyuu's chest.

Giyuu blushed profusely.

"Eh? B-but, Shinobu-san, all we've done in the one day we've been dating was kiss-" He says frantically.

"Tomioka-senpai, we literally slept in the same bed." Shinobu says calmly, maintaining the smile on her face.

Giyuu gives up on trying to argue. Instead, he lifts Shinobu up and carried her bridal style. He carries her to the bathroom. He places her in the bathtub.

"Fill the bathtub. I won't look at you taking off your clothes if you don't look at me." Giyuu said calmly. Even though he was still hesitant about taking a bath with Shinobu, he did everything for her. It was obvious that he loved her very much. He started to take off his shirt that he wore last night, revealing his muscly physique. Shinobu couldn't help but stare.
As Giyuu was taking off his shirt, he felt someone watching him. He turned his head swiftly and caught Shinobu staring at him.

"What did I say?" He says sternly. Then, he walks over to her and starts tickling Shinobu.

After they finally managed to get their clothes off, they sat in the bathtub. Shinobu talked and talked while Giyuu kept quiet and held her close.
After their lovely time alone together, they finally started to get ready. As they were driving to the hospital, they jammed to some songs.

"Excuse me, can we see Sabito in room 345?" Giyuu asks the lady at the reception. She gave him a smile and a nod.

The walk to Sabito's room was surprisingly quiet. The only thing that could be heard were Giyuu and Shinobu's footsteps. They passed a few rooms where people were mourning.
As they reached Sabito's room, Giyuu opened the door.


Sabito was sitting on his bed. It seemed as if he was expecting them. His face immediately brightened up when he saw Giyuu. Giyuu was on the verge of tears.

"Sabito... It's been so long..." He slowly walks over. Shinobu sat down in a chair near the door. She didn't want to interrupt them.

Tears were already streaming down Giyuu's face. He pulled Sabito into a tight hug.

"I missed you, man. Why couldn't you be more careful? Did you know how worried I was?"

"Sorry, sorry. I should've told you I was going to get into an accident," Sabito chuckles. As they were talking, Sabito glanced at Shinobu.

"Hey, Giyuu, who's that?" He points at Shinobu. Giyuu smiles.

"You remember the girl who always got second place back in junior high, middle school and high school? The girl who was my best friend after you left for Italy in middle school? That's her. Shinobu Kochou. She's my girlfriend now." He explains enthusiastically.

Sabito's eyes widen. Then, he sighs.

"I'm not surprised, you were always everyone's favorite. I remember you telling me you had 4 drawers where you kept all the love letters you got. I'm just glad you chose the right girl for you. I mean, look at her! She's so pretty?? Is that even legal? Congrats, Giyuu!" Sabito laughs.

Shinobu joins in on the conversation and they all talk and laugh until visiting hours were over.
Giyuu and Shinobu go back to the university happily.

-The next day, 2:34 P.M., Monday-

Shinobu had just gotten out of class. She went to go looking for Giyuu to invite him to the cafeteria. She skipped happily.
Once she turned a certain corner leading to the dorms, she saw Giyuu. He was talking to a girl. She decided to just listen in on their conversation while paying close attention to Giyuu's facial expression.

"U-Um... Tomioka-senpai... I've been meaning to tell you something," the girl says shyly.

Giyuu raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"The moment I saw you, I fell in love... Your deep blue eyes are beautiful... No one can rock your hair like you do... The way you look when you're focused... When I discovered that you were dating Kochou-san, my heart almost broke into a million pieces. What do you see in her that you don't see in m-"

"Sorry, hold on, I'm getting a call. " Giyuu says abruptly. He picks up the phone.

" Hello~ Is Iguro-san there? " He asks the person on the other line with a soft voice.

"Tomioka-san!! No, Obanai-kun isn't here. Tomioka-san~ Can I ask for your help?" A sweet voice says. It was Mitsuri.

"Of course, Kanroji-san. However, I will need you to call me later. I'm kind of busy right now, I'm so sorry!" He says.

"Huh?? Oh, alright... Call you later Tomioka-san!! Stay happy!! I love you, but no more than Obanai-kun!!!" Mitsuri chirps.

Giyuu smiles.

"You stay happy too, I love you too, but no more than Shinobu-san!" He replies.

He hangs up.

"You were saying?"

"I like you, Tomioka-senpai. I want to date you... And... Get married with you..." The girl says, averting her eyes.

Giyuu smiles softly. He grabs hold of the girl's hands. Shinobu watched very carefully.

"I'm very sorry, but Kochou-san is irreplaceable to me. You will never amount to enough to me. If you think I'd ever be interested in someone like you, you should probably get your brain checked." He says sternly while still maintaining the smile on his face.

The girl was taken aback. Tears started to form in her eyes. She ran off crying.

"Tomioka-senpai~ Were you waiting outside for me?" Shinobu says as she pulls Giyuu into a hug. After the girl ran away, she immediately came out from hiding to see Giyuu.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I don't think you have to know," he teased.

They shared a tender kiss. When they pulled away, they both decided to go into the dorm. They walked into the dorm happily, but...

Someone was watching them.


srry this one took so long lmao


I changed it up a bit, so basically, Giyuu has NOT been accused of murder. I decided that with Chapter 10 holding great events, I should call off the murder. Plus, I didn't have any idea what to write for the murder. Muzan died? Akaza died????????????????? I was too lazy to come up with a character death lol. So I guess wait until Chapter 10 for a roller coaster sisters.

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