~Chapter 3~

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-Flashback time kids-

•December 25th, 2018•
•6:44 P.M•

"Tomioka-san! Please wait!" Shinobu calls out to Giyuu.

Giyuu turns around. Shinobu was running towards him with a present in her hand.

"What do you have there, Kochou-san?" He asks, curious to see what's in the box.

Shinobu places it behind her back.

"It's a surprise! First, I must ask you to do something. Describe me in the most honest way possible. I know you can do it," Shinobu says, winking at Giyuu. Giyuu taps his chin, deep in thought.

"Well... Your eyes are really round and lifeless, which makes them look like a fly's eyes... Sometimes you're really big of an airhead. You're actually really smart, but because of your personality, you seem like a big dumbass. I know for a fact that you have a crush on someone in our class, but you won't tell anyone. Not even me, your closest friend. Also, sometimes, you say really rude things, but it's alright, because you always apologize for it. I like that about you," Giyuu smiles.

Shinobu beams with happiness after seeing Giyuu smile.

"That was kind of harsh, but at least you were honest. I thought about it, and I think it's time you know who I like." Shinobu walks closer.

Giyuu paid full attention.

"I'm in love with you, Giyuu Tomioka-san,"

Those words caught Giyuu off-guard. He never expected his closest friend who seemed to always talk bad about him right in his face would be in love with him.

- Giyuu's flashback™!!! -

"Hey, Giyuu-san doesn't seem to talk much does he? He's so smart, but he can't talk without starting a fight. He's such a loser."

"Geez, Giyuu-san never helps out when people need his help. No wonder he only has a few friends. He's so selfish."

"I bet even his closest friends don't like him."

"He doesn't belong here."

Those words kept ringing in Giyuu's ear. He was walking to the library with Shinobu.

"Hey, hey, Tomioka-san, are you going to let them talk about you like that?" Shinobu asks.

Giyuu, without even flinching, told her,

"It's fine. I'm going to end up 100x more successful than them anyways, so I'll let them say what they want. I'll admit, sometimes their words hurt."

Shinobu was... Angry.

She let Giyuu walk to the library himself. She stopped walking and turned around and said as loudly as possible so that everyone could hear her,

"Giyuu Tomioka-san is not selfish, rude or arrogant. The students who say so clearly do not have a brain. Giyuu Tomioka-san does not help people because he himself is very busy at home and at school. Giyuu Tomioka-san always gets himself into fights by accident because he didn't have anybody to teach him how to communicate properly. Giyuu Tomioka-san has only 8 friends, but they all love and appreciate him. Sanemi Shinazugawa-san, Mitsuri Kanroji-san, Tokitou Muichurou-kun... We all love him!"

Giyuu heard everything. He let Shinobu do what she wanted and continued to the library.

- End of Giyuu's flashback™, back to December 25th -

"I'm in love with you, Giyuu Tomioka-san." Shinobu smiles. She hands the present to Giyuu.

Giyuu, still shocked, gently grabbed the present. He opened it to see a geometrical patterned scarf in it.

It looked just like the jacket his old friend, Sabito always wore during winter.

Tears started to fill Giyuu's eyes. He missed Sabito. After Sabito moved away to another country, Giyuu never saw him again.

"Eh? Tomioka-san, please don't cry. I didn't mean to say all those mean words at you, I never meant anything bad I did to you, I'm sorry, Tomioka-san. I'm so sorry." Shinobu apologized frantically.


Giyuu looks up to stare into her eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you so much for helping me. I love you too... But I only see you as a friend. Thank you for the gift, though. Merry Christmas."

-End of Flashback-

"Tomioka-senpai... About last Christmas..."

"I'm sorry." Giyuu mumbles.

Shinobu was visibly confused.

"I wish I had the courage to tell you how I truly felt. I'm a coward, Kochou-san," Giyuu adds. Tears start to fill his eyes.

"Tomioka-senpai.. I'll take that as a" I have feelings for you, Kochou-san " ," Shinobu smiles.

Giyuu was taken aback. He never realized Shinobu could read him so easily. His cheeks were slightly pink.

"I... Yes, I do. I'm sorry it took me 6 whole months to accept your confession, Kochou-san,"

"It's alright, Tomioka-senpai. I still have feelings for you too," Shinobu leans in closer.

Giyuu felt warmth as Shinobu leaned closer. He started to have multiple flashbacks.

Shinobu smiling even though she was in pain.

Shinobu crying because someone called her dumb.

Shinobu being truly happy with Giyuu.

Shinobu defending Giyuu when other people wouldn't.

Giyuu pulled Shinobu closer and placed a kiss on her lips. Shinobu was shocked at first, but soon returned the kiss. When they pulled away, Shinobu smiled.

"I guess that means we're a couple now, huh?"

Giyuu chuckled. The only person who ever loved him were his family. He never had a girlfriend. He always turned down love confessions, including Shinobu's, but not this time.

Shinobu goes to her own room to get some shut-eye. Meanwhile, Giyuu is busy on his computer doing research on his latest project. However, he couldn't focus. Shinobu was on his mind all night.

-Meanwhile, somewhere in Italy...-

"Makomo, what do you think Giyuu is doing in Japan?" A young peach haired boy asked a girl whose name seemed to be Makomo.

"Who knows, Sabito. I just hope your friend is doing well. No one would want anything to happen to one of our friends, do we?" Makomo says.

Sabito spins around in his chair.

"Ah... I really want to go back and visit him, but it's so expensive..." He sighs.

Makomo walks over and sits on Sabito's lap.

"I'm sure we'll go back one day. We still have to thank our former teacher, Urokodaki-san." She says softly.

Sabito nods.



Sabito and Makomo have entered!
Get ready for some mf feels!!

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