34.- Entertained and surprising day

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After a hearty meal in honor of Mark the panther, the ways parted and each set out to get down to business with the investigation. The policemammals stopped for a moment, at Vol's request, and the blue fox took some food for Ryan, after that, they got in the car and went to the police station to change, since they had their clothes there, and to start their investigation... except for Vol. As they got into the locker room, after arriving at the ZPD, he was about to put on his police uniform when Nick stopped him.

"Hey mate, remember what we talked about yesterday." He showed a smile.

"But don't I have to be in uniform in the station?"

Nick responded by shaking his head. "If it's your day off, you don't have to. Don't worry, we've got you covered in the investigation, dedicate your day to Ryan."

"Thanks, I'll do it." He smiled, stored again the uniform, and Nick gave him the clothes they recently bought for the blue fox, unaware that his partner took them to the ZPD. After changing clothes, he picked up the food he was carrying for the young marsupial and went to the restroom.

He looked from side to side and saw several more officers inside the police station, denoting a considerable drop in crime in Zootopia, good news due to the new times. After a day of absolute silence, the ZPD once again had noise and relaxed conversations, calmer activity and relaxation in general after the intense work of the past few days. The atmosphere that was present at that moment in a place where justice was administered was much more pleasant for the blue fox. He already felt like before, comforted and pleased by something as simple as the noise in that place.

After a walk that he enjoyed, he arrived at the room where Ryan was already awake and sitting on the sofa, it seemed that he was patiently waiting for the fox. Vol approached the kangaroo and sat down with him.

"I brought you some food on the way, I thought you'd be hungry. I'm sorry I'm late, did you sleep well?" The kangaroo didn't answer, he was staring at nothing. "Ryan? Is something wrong?" He turned his head to Vol, his expression flat, as if he realized something was wrong.

"V-Vol... I realized while I was waiting... Mark is buried, lifeless... The investigation is over, what will happen to me?" Vol didn't know what to answer, he had no way out, but he decided to be honest with him.

"You're not part of any new investigation, so by law you have to go back to some family member..." Ryan turned his head to look at the ground. "But... there's a way that would allow you to not come back, at least for a while, that is... to start an investigation into Gloria Clinton's abuse of you." The kangaroo looked at Vol again. "It's an option we've thought about between Nick, Judy and I. If you're willing to show those wounds and marks she inflicted on you, we can start, but I won't force you to show them if you don't want to."

After a sigh from the kangaroo and some time thinking, he made a decision. "It's hard but... I'll do it, Vol. I want to save myself from it by any means."

"Okay. We'll go with Nick and Judy, they'll take pictures of your wounds under your fur, and we can spend the day together, shall we?"

"Of course." He nodded, still not showing a smile.

After they spoke, Ryan ate his food while he went upstairs to the computer room, where Nick and Judy were investigating. The marsupial was enjoying a meal that he needed and that made him very well, leaving no crumbs and finishing everything, leaving Vol impressed. They knocked on the door of the room and entered after authorization.

"Guys, Ryan is willing to let us take photos of his abuse injuries to start the investigation, can you do them?"

Judy nodded and got up. "Okay, I'll take them out on my phone and transfer them to Bogo. That'll be enough."

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