35.- A military day

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In the military base where Colonel Odin, Commander Zere and Captain Texsly were, the investigation that Judy and Nick did regarding the terrorists was received, since the result became more extensive about them and they were more than what they looked like. As the fax arrived, the colonel wolf picked it up and reviewed every word.

"This is how things are... They aren't 'simple terrorists', this is much bigger. We have to take action on the matter." He called his closest companions, the raccoon and the canine, who presented themselves before him, saluting in a military manner.

"You've called us, what's the problem?" Zere, the blue-spotted white dog, was curious while he kept his bearing.

Odin presented the paper in front of both Finns. "We're facing a bigger problem regarding the terrorists we were investigating. The ZPD policemammals have helped us and we've discovered the past of Coleman the hedgehog and Pol the beaver, the companion who always goes with him, although it isn't extensive and they don't shed light on the whole thing. Still, they seem to have joined that group with a bit of an extremist ideology... against predators."

"Something like Bellwether and his desire for prey to dominate predators?" Texsly asked.

Odin nodded. "That's right, Captain, they want the predators to be submissive, so they'd have control over them."

"We missed his past, how come we didn't think of it before?" Zere didn't quite understand.

Odin looked directly at his partner. "That's why we investigate every little trace of a criminal's past. Those two never worked in their lives and, of course, nobody had their files. Now it's up to us and the ZPD to know what they are capable of. Keep me informed."

Texsly and Zere nodded and headed outside. Odin turned towards the window trying to find some idea against the terrorists. That wolf who led a squad, in one of the battles he had to fight, his left eye suffered a small scar from the wars he was in although, luckily he could see, the scar was evident. The good thing about those wars, if anything good can be gotten out of those situations, is that it gave him experience in dealing with terrorists and high-level enemies. He thought about what they could do to fight them and bring the much-desired peace to Zootopia. In the midst of his thoughts, a soldier entered, calling Odin. The soldier's appearance was feline, a red lynx.

"Colonel, sir, there are new recruits that have just arrived at the squad from Zootopia."

Odin turned around, not smiling at all, after all, he was known in his platoon for not smiling too much. "So... new blood. Let's see what they're made of." He walked towards the main room. There were two new soldiers escorted. One looked like a dog with white fur with a slight tinge of light blue and the second soldier was a meerkat, both present to join the army that kept the peace in Zootopia from the wars that might come. The colonel advanced towards the dog and ordered it to take a step forward.

"What's your name and your role, soldier?"

The canine stepped forward and held the pose of respect. "My name is Fletcher Howl, I'm in charge of location and communication about our enemies. Tracking and detection are my strong points."

Odin understood and nodded. "Alright, Private Howl, you'll be in charge of locating via radio and detecting the enemies that come to us in a closed place." He walked over to the meerkat next. "Tell me soldier, name and specialty."

The meerkat stepped forward, only slightly smaller than Private Howl. "My name is Kodi Barnes, nickname Meer. I'm a machine gun specialist with five years of experience behind me."

Odin nodded as Meer spoke. "Alright, we didn't have anyone from both roles. You'll come in handy to fill our squad. Welcome, Private Meer and Private Howl, I hope you'll be proud soldiers and defend this city with everything you've got. Meer will take care of the heavy shooting in extreme situations, Howl will be in charge of locating our enemies inside structures and places that are difficult to access. I trust in you."

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