Bree and Liam

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Liam's POV

I shut the door behind my and walked down the hall.

A certain brunette stuck in my mind.

She was naïve. I took her wallet along with her phone and had her drivers license. Bree Vado. She was 17 and had a birthday in less then a month.

Almost an adult.

"Who is she?" Tony asked. He stood there by my door. He is my right hand man and best friend.

"She made me at the IGA in Gardenhave," he looked at me confused. "Either She was just in the wrong place wrong time and noticed something off, or she's a cop."

"Then why do you have her in your guest room?" Tony was always questioning things.

"Because I highly doubt that she's a cop," I smile at him and walk pass him down the stairs. My half way house was a smaller mansion and I had to call in some guards.

"Did Roy pay us back?" Roy was a buyer but he had been slipping lately. With everything going on with Bree and needed something to occupy my mind.

"No," Tony Gabe me a smirk and followed me to the gun room. The room was full of guns from small Glocks to Ak-47s and many more. Roy had really been pissing me of lately and I was ready to make him pay.

"Want me to go with?" Tony asked already knowing the answer.

"No, I got it" I grabbed a BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle,) and walked out.

Bree's POV

I was laying on the bed when the door flung open. I tall guy with brown hair and green eyes walked in. He had tattoos all over his body and was very muscular.

"My names Tony," he held out his hand for me to shake. I sat there utterly confused. He seemed nice but I didn't want to trust him.

He is involved in my kidnapping, after all.

"OK then," he lowered his hand and walked around the bed towards the edge. I curled up at the top and fought the urge to cry. This whole thing just didn't make any sense. I was good. I was a good kid.

I had a horrible father, and horrible 'boyfriend', but I was a good girl.

"You should take a shower," he looked at me, a kind smile appeared faintly on his lips.

"There's some shampoo and conditioner in the shower and a razors under the sink," he stood up and walked toward me. I scooted over more the closer her got. He reached over and unlocked my hand from the handcuff. He held out his hand for me to take to stand and I used it.

As soon as I was up, he walked back toward the door. He turned and smiled at me, "Have a nice day Bree, I am sorry for the inconvenience of your stay." he then turned away and walked out, the door clicked when he locked it and I knew I was trapped.

The room was about as big as my ] room at my house.

Nothing was that shocking.

I walked in the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind me. I walked right up to the mirror. I stared at my reflection.

I looked like shit.

My hair fell out of it tight ponytail and was in a rats nest around my shoulders and my eyes were bloodshot from crying.

I turned around and walked towards the shower. It could fit almost 10 people in there. I turned the faucet on and let the water run.

I wonder how long it will take till my dad finds me.

How long till I'm locked up and again, because he thinks I ran away.

How long till my captor realizes who I am and kills me, or turns me back over.

Maybe I should just end it myself.

I back up against the door, sliding down, my hands pulling open the front of the sink, searching for the razors that Tony had mentioned.

I shuffled some things around. There was a box of Tampons and a couple toilet paper rolls, and a few other things. Behind the extra shampoo there was a pack with a razor and a couple replacement blades. I reached for the box.

I just didn't want to be here.

I just didn't want to be hurt anywhere, anymore.

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