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That bitch.

It's been 3 months and still no sign of her.

That little slut had the nerve to run away.

I swear when she comes crawling back I'm going to kill her.

She doesn't deserve anything! I hope she knows what she's in for. She is going to regret ever setting foot outside of this house.

Foot steps outside my office caught my attention. The door swung open and a young boy stood in front of me. He had dirty blonde hair brown eyes.

"Boss, we found her," Kyle said walking into my office. I threw my crystal glass against the wall and grunted in response. Finally, where ever she went she hid well.

"She is with Liam," he says.

My body freezes and eyes went wide. Why would she be with him. You know what she probably did something stupid and now he kidnapped her.

"Why the fuck is that little slut with him?" I ask. Kyle looks conflicted but changed his facial expression fast.

He was pissed.

"I don't know, but I heard she's his weakness. The thing that can really bring him down." Another voice says. I recognize it right away.

Colter, my right-hand man. A look of hatred and anger shined in his brown eyes.

"I'm sure that slut is over there skanking it up," he says with bitterness clear in his voice. I let out a deep throaty chuckle.

I can almost guarantee that she is still a virgin.

"I say we use the little girl as bait for Liam, take down the guy once and for all," a voice boomed.

I chuckled in agreement. John smirked evilly at nothing in particular. He was right. It was time to take down his gang, his place in the mafia, and his girl.


A door creaking woke me up from my sleep.

I looked at my surroundings and noticed I was in the living room.

A small lamp in the corner lit the room just barely.

I looked around but nothing was out of place. The tv was on some stupid channel playing classics.

I rolled my eyes and blamed it on the wind or tv static.

I stood up and walked in the kitchen only to see Colter there drinking a bottle of beer. His hair was messy and his blue and white polo shirt was wrinkled. He had an event smirk on his lips. He looked deep in thought.

"Do I still get my promise?" He asked me once he noticed I entered.

I look at him questionably before catching on.

A sly smile crawled on my face well he mirrored it.

"Of course, as soon as I find her, she is yours," I say calmly, my words full of hate.

He chuckles darkly and nods. 

Oh my, I'm so sorry for the short chapter but I had to sneak this POV somewhere.

Who do you think it is?

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