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She's never going to forgive me.

No matter how hard I try she will hate me forever.

I know it!

I just miss her!

I need her.

I guess agreeing to stay back in the room with me was a start.

Although I think it was more to just get me off her back.

When she was in her coma and didn't wake up I made a decision.

She didn't deserve this.

She didn't deserve any of it.

I decided I'd let her go.

To let her go home.

Go back to her normal life with friends and family.

But I can't now.

At least not with all with this store person out there.

I continued scrolling through amazon and decided on just a plain silver glittery phone case.

I ordered her a phone but it needed a case.

I wanted to ask her but it seemed we weren't exactly on speaking terms.


My eyes wondered to the time at the bottom of the screen.


I let out a long sigh and shut my computer.

I've been in my office all day.

Of course I left to get a drink and that's when I talked to Briana.

But she hates me.

I wish I could jut let her go.

Not let her suffer anymore.

I know she wants to leave.

I know she wants to escape.

It's to late now.

Other gangs and mafias are certain we are an item.

Certain that I care for Bree.

Certain to take her away from me.

I got up for my desk and slammed my fist into the wall.

No ones taking her away from me!

I won't let them.

I walked out of my office.

I made my way up the stairs.

I hope Bree kept her promise and came up.

Shaquala, Melody, and Emily all screamed at me for moving her.

I told them why and they agreed.

Although Emily, the quiet one, threatened to cut of my balls and feed them to me if I hurt her again.

At first I thought she was joking.

I was wrong.

Her face could not get more serious.

Shaquala just stood there glaring.

Of course Melody slapped me. I was shocked but knew I deserved it. They all left after bringing up Bree's stuff.

I shook my head and opened my door.

Bree laid silently on the bed.

Her back was turned away from the door and she didn't know I entered.

Stolen by the Mafia ☑️Where stories live. Discover now