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Liam's POV

My hands gripped the steering wheel hard, knuckles white, blood painted them ever so slightly.

A smirk was covering my face and I was so excited to get home and-


I pulled up into the gate. The guards saw my car and right away opened it.

I will literally shoot the guy later for doing that.

I drive up the long driveway, parking up front. I exit the car, shutting the door behind me.

I walked into the house with a massive grin on my face. Tony stood beside the stairs and was starring at his phone. He didn't look up but knew it was me.

"Hi Tony," I looked at him closely, he was calm and I was glad. It meant that nothing happened. Tony looked up at me.

"She's still up there," he said a smile across his face. I chuckled, "Wonderful,".

I walked up the stairs. Tony was right behind me. I gave a nod towards the guard and he unlocked the door. The water was running in the bathroom and I assumed she was just taking a shower. I turned towards Tony.

"I'm sure she's just taking a bath," his face changed from happy to a confused look. "She took one this morning, I watched her go in." I looked at him confused. "What time was that?"

"9 this morning," he was already walking towards the door.

"Maybe she just wanted another.

I ran over and started knocking on the door, no answer.

"Bree," I tried to sound calm not trying to scare her.

No answer.

"Bree, come on, answer me," I was loosing patience.

"Bree," I said louder, no answer.

"Bree, open the goddamn door," I yelled.

Tony looked at me fear in his eyes. He grabbed his pocket knife from his pocket and stuck it in the lock. He twisted it and the door clicked. I half push him out of the way and opened the door in a rush.


It was everywhere.

Her body lied on the ground, surrounded by it.

I dropped to my knees beside her, feeling for a pulse, not noticing the blood that slowly sinked into my jeans

"She's breathing, Tony Hurry," he pushed the door open more and lifted her body. We rushed out of the room down to the basement. I pulled out my phone and called Sam. He was our personal doctor. We walked down the stairs and around a couple more hallways and another stairway. The door was wide open at the bottom and Sam was waiting.

"What's wrong?" Sam looked concerned at the body that was laid in Tony's arms. Tony laid her on the the bed and Sam rushed over to her side.

"We don't know what happened but," I stopped, not wanting to sound weak.

"She seems to have loss tons of blood," he lifted her head and laid a pillow under it. "She's just passed out, looks self inflicted," he sighed and started cleaning the blood around him.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Both Tony and Sam looked at me confused. I never acted this way. Only I or my members ever saw Sam and it was usually for a gunshot or being beat up. The never brought any girl down here. I never kept a girl alive this long in my house, unless you count the maids.

"Um," Sam looked shocked but continued, "She hurt herself," he looked at Me then at Tony.

"How?" I was so confused. The guards were outside her door all day. If she needed to come out Tony was supposed to accompany her. Sam grabbed the rubbing alcohol and started washing of the blood.

"Looks like she cut herself," he continued working not looking up.

After he had finished cleaning her off. He washed her cuts. They were deep. He then proceeded to take of her shirt.

The room stayed silent until he broke it again.

"Did you hit her?" Sam looked up at me.

"No," I looked at Sam then at Tony. "I hadn't seen her since this morning," I smiled at the thought of her, all calm and peaceful, lying on the bed. "I haven't talked to her since I brought her here," concern covered my face.

"Why?" Tony asked. He walked up to her and stopped when he was close enough see. I walked up to.

Her body was covered in bruises. She had a scar right on her left boob, and one on her stomach that looked like it originated from her back. I shook my head and turned away. Who would do this to her. I turned around all the way and sat in the chair close to her.

Tony came and sat by me. he looked over and looked like he was about to say something. He stopped himself and turned away. We sat in silence well we watched Sam do his job.


Once Sam was done I lifted Bree from the bed and walked her up the stairs. Her bra was soaked in blood to and I knew I had to change it. I sighed. I opened my room and laid her across the bed.

"Maryam," I called as she rushed in. "Please change her," she walked up to her and started.

I walked around the bedroom and started picking up things that she could hurt herself with. As soon as I was done Maryam finished and excused herself. I shut the window and broke off the lock.

I couldn't take any chances.

By the time I was done, it was 8 and I was starving. I didn't leave her side til Sam was done. Tony got up and brought food down but I didn't eat. I just sat there and stared.

I got up and called Tony. He walked in and stared at Bree on the bed. "Ya?" He looked at me fast then looked at her again. "Watch her, she can't be left alone," he nodded his head and I walked out.

Tony and I had been friends for years and when my dad died we became business partners. He was a great friend and I was so lucky.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I made myself a PB&J and ate silently over the sink.

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