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"Briana do not test me!" My father yells. "Get your ass in the car or I swear to go-" I cut him off.

A bullet right between the eyes.

Another gunshot sounds, before I can respond Liam's body falls to the ground.

I look to the shooter and see Colter, I shot him in the head and run to Liam.

"Shit, shit, shit," I say, pulling off his shirt and pressing it against the bullet wound on his stomach. He is loosing to much blood.

The tears fell down my face and my sobs were evident. I've never seen so much blood in my life.

"Bree, do you know why vampires are so good looking if they can't see themselves in a mirror?" He asks. I laugh through my sobs and smack him upside the head.

"Christ Liam, that's what you ask. Your bleeding out from a fucking gunshot, and your wondering about vampires? God I love you," I said shaking my head.

"I love you too," He says smiling at me. I lean down and kiss him. What is he doing to me. God I love him.

"Christ, this is all my fault," I said applying more pressure to his wound.

"Hey, it's not, your dad decided to be dumb as hell. Whoever shot me decided to be dumb as hell. They made the mistake. One of them shot me. You didn't, okay," He say. I nod and He wipes my tears with his thumb.

I hear Tony's car pulling up.

"Liam, Tony's here," I say looking back down. He was blinking rapidly and not responding.

"Liam, shit Liam stay awake," I snap.

"Liam, LIAM PLEASE!" I scream placing more pressure on the gun shot.

"No baby, please no please," I cry. I kiss his lips gently as if he could break. He kissed back weakly then stopped.

"No LIAM, please baby, LIAM," I scream.

Al pulls me off of him well Tony picks him up and through him in the backseat of his car. I push against AL's arms to try to reach him. Tony left.

I struggled against Al's grip.

"Calm down, please just calm down," Al whispered in my ear. I jabbed my elbow back, twisted around, and slammed my fist into the side of his face. Rendering him unconscious.

With that done, I ran.

I ran for miles.

My feet screaming me to stop.

My lungs deprived of air.

But I wouldn't stop.

I couldn't stop.


I run into the emergency room and up to the lady at the desk. People give me weird stares but I don't care. It's around 4 am now. I ran for well over an hour.

"William Rhodes, I'm looking for a William Rhodes," I say frantically. The women's eyes grow big, as well as the whole waiting rooms. I just rolled mine and glared at her.

"He's through the door just out of surgery, b-" I cut her off by walking away.

"You can't go in there Miss, immediate family only" she says.

"Like hell I'm not," I say walk up to the door. The god damn thing wouldn't budge. I walk up to the lady.

"Look ma'am, my fiancé is in there. He is almost dead and your telling me I'm not immediate family. Your telling me I can't see the love of my life. He is in there dying, and your wasting my time. I swear to god if you don't open thy door I will make your life living hell. If I have to crow bar the shit open or even bomb it, I will. Nothing keeps me from my man, including you or that fucking door!" I snap. She nods vigorously well a buzzing sound went off.

I turned and pushed through the doors. I ran into the only room occupied. Liam was laying  on the bed hooked to multiple machines. A short women with chocolate brown hair held his hand. A older man with slight stubble and peppered hair paced around the room. His eyes were red and puffy.

I burst into the room letting out a desperate sob. I looked at Liam and tears fell down my face. I fell to the ground in front of him and gripped his hand. He looked so vulnerable, so broken. I heard a gun cock from behind me.

"Hey up bitch, this isn't the first time someone's tried this. I don't need you playing desperate girlfriend. What gang do you work for?" The dad asks. I laughed bitterly.

I stood up suddenly pissed. I was to fast for him so I grabbed the gun out of his hand and chucked on the ground behind me.

"The only thing you got out of there that was right, was that I am a bitch. Liam is not my boyfriend, he is my fiancé, and yes I'm desperate. But do I look like I'm some payed for actor. I have blood all over my clothes and my makeup is shit. You want to know what happened?" I walked over closer to him.

"I shot my dad, my dads second in command shot Liam because he is obsessed with me. I tried putting pressure on his wound, I tried. He bleed out right in front of me. Alejandro had to pull me off him for Tony to bring him here. I knocked Al out and ran 10 miles to see my man. So if you don't back the fuck off I will knock your ass unconscious," I yelled.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked me. A cocky grin set on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Rhodes, I know exactly who you are. I know that your a leader of a mafia. I know you want your son to take over. I know that if he was alive right now and I didn't say that I would date him he would be in an arranged marriage because your petty ass is stuck in the old times. I know that Liam didn't want to bring me into this. I know I agreed to marry him because I knew I Loved him. So go head shoot me, kill me right now, because either I'll be dead and Liam can kill you because he would never forgive you, or maybe he'll die and I can be with him." I spoke, my voice dangerously calm.

He stood there shocked. Definitely not expecting my outbursts. Both Tony and Al run into the room. Guns pulled. I guess they were expecting a gun fight.

"Chill, I haven't pulled the fucking trigger yet," I say nonchalantly.

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