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"Bree, why the fuck did you knock me out?" Al asked angrily. I just rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't let me go, I had to come" I respond, my voice cracking towards the end. His features soften and he nods.

"Woah, why it all tense in here?" Tony asks confused.

"The usual, men downgrading my capability of rendering them unconscious. Oh ya he tried to shoot me, that was annoying. Also he called me a bitch, but I can't argue with that. What really pissed me off was that he assumed that I worked for some gang and was trying to play some pathetic girl who pretends to be Liam's girlfriend. Although, what makes me want to kill him is he assumed I would be scared of his pathetic ass." I say.

I was about to leave when a voice called out.

"Wait," the voice says from behind me.

Oh shît I forgot she was in here.

"Are you the Briana?" She asks me.

I turn around slowly and nod slightly. Before I could respond she throws herself at me. She engulfed me a motherly hug. Much like my mother's old ones.

"He said there was special girl he just never said the name. Although he does tend to talk in his sleep," she says kissing me on the cheek. I smile big and turn back around.

Mr. Rhodes looks shocked. Al looks pissed, most likely from what I just told him. Tony is trying his hardest to not laugh at Mr. Rhodes expression.

I just roll my eyes at Mr. Rhodes and pat Al's shoulder before turning back around and facing Liam. My smirk falters and tears pricked my eyes. How could I let this happen.

"My sons engaged?" Mr. Rhodes asked. I just stared at him in disbelief.

"That's all you got out of that?" I ask annoyed.

"I don't believe you. He would have planned it better. Your nothing to him. Probably some slut who is certain that he loves her. He would have told me if someone was important enough to him to want to get married to them." He stated.

I just stared at him shocked.

Did he really just say that?

Is he right?

Does Liam really actually love me?

Of course he does.

He would not have respected you enough to lay off of you, when you asked, if he didn't care.

Get it together Bree, he proposed to you in a fucking car so he could be with you. Even if it was just for five minutes.

"You know what? No! You don't get to treat me this way. You don't get to decide how your son felt. You don't even have the right to assume that he would or wouldn't propose to someone such as me. Your son is the best thing that ever happened me. I know he loved me. He loved me enough to propose in a old pickup truck about 10 minutes before he got shot because he couldn't bare the fact of not being with me. So he asked me. Even if was for a couple minutes. He wanted to call me his. So I don't need your validation or opinion in the matter of whether he loved me or not. Because he would go through hell and back again for me, and I would do the same!" I snap. I turned back to Liam the looked back at him.

"Also, one more thing. You may be so high up the ladder, but you are so lucky I haven't killed you yet. The level of disrespect that you gave me was way over the top. No women should be treated that way. Whether what you said was true or not! You are so lucky that Liam loves you or your ass would be dead on the ground right now. And before you say anything on the regards to me getting killed if I killed you. Gladly, if it meant that a killed the disrespectful, egotistical, narcissistic, dipshit, that you are, then so be it." I kiss Liam's head and turn back around, ready to leave.

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