Bree and Liam

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Liam's P.O.V.

"See um, she hates being called princess. Something about parliament being too strict and not having a say," I say.

Al smirks and Kyle let out the first shot.

A bullet hole went into the forehead of the man standing to the right of Colter.

Bree hit Colter in the gut with her elbow and turned around punching him in the nose.

I stood up fast and shot two of the men behind Colter. I looked back over at Bree and smiled. She was beating the living daylights out of him.

And she looked hot doing it.

Bree's P.O.V.

"Okay Bree, chill," Kyle said, practically dragging me off of him.

Al just chuckled and helped Kyle drag me off completely.

Before they could stop me I kicked him one last time in the face.

I smiled at the satisfying cracking sound that made its way through the room.

I wiped the blood from my nose and looked up. They all stared at me with unreadable gazes and I just smiled sarcastically.

"Come on, let's go," I say well walking towards my closet.

"Aren't you going to kill him?" Al asked Liam well I filled a drawstring with a couple of shirts and leggings.

"Bree?" Liam asks me. I just shrug. The truth is, that I would kill him if I could but it's useless.

My dad would kill me.

He cares more about Colter than me, his own daughter.

Even if I killed both Colter and my Dad so many gangs would come after me. Dad's confederates would just come after me.

"She can't" Kyle answers for me.

"Why?" both Al and Liam demand.

"Because he will just send more people after her, and not to take her," Kyle says calmly. Al seems to understand but Liam looks at Kyle dumbly.

"To kill me dumbass," I say well throwing my bag at him.

"Holy shit, what happened in here?" Tony asks walking into the room.

"Ah come on, did I miss a shoot out?! Lame!" I just smack him upside the head and Liam chuckles.

"I'll explain later, just go pack," Liam says. Tony nods and everybody leaves the room.

I just packed a couple more bags of necessities and grabbed a pencil and paper.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks.

"Writing Colter a loving, caring, nice note," I responded already writing.

He nods.

I place the note on my bed grabbing my bags.

Fuck you

"Let's go," I say walking out.


We stopped at a old rustic looking gas station just outside of Greenmont.

I scrunched up my nose as I opened the door. It smelled like gas and horse shit, and it was nasty.

I stepped out of my truck. It's a 1947–54 Chevrolet, best car I ever owned.

My mom got it for me before she died.

She called it the run away car. The only one my dad didn't know about.

The wind blew in my hair as I made my way towards the gas station.

I rolled my eyes at the old perverted man who was raping me with his eyes. Liam was right behind me, of course. He still strongly believes I'll try to run away. Although the only things he's been doing is beating up guys who stare at me to long. I think the big bad gang leaders jealous.

I walked down the snack isle grabbing couple chocolate bars and strawberry milk. Liam grabbed some CornNuts and I went to pay for everything well Liam went to the restroom .

The old man smiled at me, creepily, if I might add. I just smiled hesitating a bit. Before I could respond he pulled out a gun.

"Heard your daddy's looking for you pumpkin," he said in a gruff voice. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

I can't be weak.

I'm horrified but he can't know that.

"Only I get to call her pumpkin," Liam said from behind me. The guy froze in shock. Fear evident in his eyes.

"Mr. Rhodes, I'm- uh I," the man stuttered well Liam grabbed his stuff.

I tensed at the name. 

"Zip it, or I'll use a bullet," Liam said. with that we left. Walking out of the store and back to my truck. I started the truck and we continued down the road.

"We have to stop running," I say randomly. Tony freezes in the back seat mid Grande song.

"Why's that?" Liam asks confused.

"What happened back there. No buddy's ever not taken out a order given by my dad. If they are willing not to hurt me well I'm with you he's going to fail the mission. If I kill them, the gangs wouldn't care. They already look up to you. You are the big bad William Rhodes, aren't you?" I ask or more likes state.

He tenses at my words and nods hesitantly.

"Your smart Bree, now jam with me to some Ari," Tony said. I turned up the radio as we continued the drive.

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