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I woke up to the one, the only Liam, wait what's his last name?

"Good morning sunshine," he said in his deep morning voice.

I just turned around and pulled the covers tightly around me.

Cocooning  me in.

I don't have time for his shit.

I don't think he knew I heard him say what he did.

I am thankful that I am no longer in that hellhole, but I am not dealing with Liam's shit.

I knew he didn't care about me.

I mean what was I thinking?

He's a bad ass gang leader and I'm just ugly and dull.

Think of the circus.

Fun, bright, and cruel.

That's what Liam is.

Now think of walking outside and looking down at the sidewalk under your feet. Plain, dull, boring, and let's people walk all over it.

That's me.

The boring old sidewalk.

"Baby doll, what's wrong?" He asks.

As if he cares. I'm not that dumb.

I flipped him off and slid under the covers again.

I heard a deep sigh and the room was silent.

A dip in the bed made me freeze. I warm hand gently drew circles on my skin. I shiver ran down my spine and I let out a small squeak.

"Princess?" Bitch no.

"Pumpkin?" Fuck off.

"Buttercup?" Shut the fuck up.

"Sexy momma?" Excuse me. I could feel the smirk radiating of him.

"Beautiful," that's it!

"No! You don't get to call me anything! Just shut the fuck up Liam with no last name and go fuck a toe. Stop pretending you care about me because, will use your own words, 'I don't care! Why would I care! She's nothing to me but a casualty. She could die for all I care' and quite frankly I really wish I did." With that turn back around and pull the covers up again.

"Princess, I didn't mean it!" He said pissed off.


I'm glad he's pissed.

Its not like we had anything before, so why would we now?

"I just can't get close to you. It will end up hurting you in the long run. Take Asher, he almost hurt you,-" I cut him off right away.

"Almost, almost hurt me? He did hurt me, he touched me, he hit me, he made me do stuff I wouldn't dare do to anyone, so cut it out with your bullshit. I'm aware you want nothing to do with me." I said and stood up.

He grabbed me by my waste and gently set me back on the bed.

What the fuck is wrong with him.

"I don't want you getting hurt. If that means distancing myself away from you then I have to. Pushing you away is the best option, pretending I have no feelings for you is the best option," he said, getting quieter at the end.

I look at him closely and see the flash of regret in his eyes.

He lifted his hand, caressing my cheek.

"Do you forgive me princess?" He asked.

Before I could answer he smashed his lips against mine.

Da fuck is happening.

After a few seconds of shock I kissed back.

Our lips moved in sink as he pressed my body against the wall.

I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. He turned into me and pulled me close, pressing our bodies closer as our tongues caress each other's .

The kiss was electrifying, deep and passionate.

He held me tight and continued his attack on my lips.

There was a knock and the door but Liam continued.

"They'll leave," he mumbled after noticing I wasn't kissing back.

There was another knock but this time they spoke.

"Liam you in there? Sweetheart I can hear you," a girl.

Her voice was low and seductive.

"Angela go away," Liam said through gritted teeth.

"Lee is someone in there with you?" She asks in a knowing tone.

"Angela I have other people to fill my needs," he said practically growling.

I felt like someone shoved a knife in my heart and twisted it slowly as to draw out the pain.

His words sunk in to my brain.

Practically burning  into it.

Liam went back to kissing me but all I could think about was Asher.

How I was just there to fill his needs to.

At least he didn't pretend to care about me.

Liam was worst.

He hurt me worst.

Probably because I didn't even realize I was falling for him until he didn't catch me.

Until he let me hit the ground full force and hurt myself more.

He let me have feelings for him and then stole them back.

"What's wrong babygirl?" He asked in a fake concerned voice.

"I'm just another one of your toys, a way to fill your dark perverted needs," I said dangerously calm.

A look of realization flashed across his face. He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him.

"No, don't even try!" I snapped.

"I don't need your pity, I'm sick of people walking all over me, your no different," I shoved him off me.

I was disgusted with myself.

How did I let that happen.

How did I let him touch me.

I walked around him and towards the door.

"Bree, wait," he said. I stopped and turned around.

"Only my friends call me Bree, your just an asshole who plays around with girls and treats them as if there objects you can just own." With that I turned my heel and continued my long walk to the door.

A hand grasped my hand and sprung me around.

"Don't walk away from me," he said in a deep ruff voice.

I assume it was meant to scare me.

I'm sure it would have if this wasn't the current situation.

If he didn't piss me off so much.

If my main goal right now was to not kill him in the next 24 hours.

"Your mine Bree whether you like it or not," he reached out toward my face with his other hand but I smacked him hard. My hand print showed brightly on his cheek.

"I am nothing to you, you wanna know what you are to me? A thief. You stole me, then you stole my heart, the worst thing is, I didn't even notice I let you. So now Mr. Gang leader, you need to back the fuck off and leave me alone, I'm here as a kidnapee, not a toy," with that I left.


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