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She smiles widely, her white teeth bringing out her pink lips. Her light brown hair bounces slightly as she stands up giving a small giggle.

Tony just stands up and before I could respond he tackled me to the ground.

"I can't believe you did that to me," He says trying not to smile.

I just laugh which causes Bree to laugh to. I love her laugh. It's like music from the heavens.

So lovely and sweet.

Oh god, I sound like a Nicholas Sparks novel.

I shook my head. This girl sure has made me soft.

I would never even have a girl in my house this long without boning her already but here we are.

I mean she sleeps in the same bed.

Okay, so last night she slept in the same bed. But its a start.

"We should have a movie night," I say.

Mostly because I want to snuggle my girl.

"Why? So you can cuddle Bree?" Tony says in a knowing voice.


"No, so we can watch a movie,"

"So you don't want to cuddle me?" Bree asks.

"No, of course I wanna snuggle with you, I just want you to be ready," I say. She smiles a small smile and Tony just laughs.

"What?" I ask.

He continues laughing well I stare at him annoyed.

He finally takes a deep breath, and stares at me.

"You said 'snuggle'" He says. I just roll my eyes well Bree giggles.

"What you think that's funny?" I ask her with a smirk.

She nods her head and continues giggling.

I slowly make my way over to her. She's to busy laughing to notice.

I pick her up swiftly and throw her over my shoulder.

I run out of the kitchen into the living room and throw her on the couch. I start tickling her nonstop.

She laughs loudly and tries pushing me off. I laugh too. This moment couldn't get any better.


"What was that?" Bree asked already on her feet from our previous position on the couch.

Tony was dead to the world in his little cocoon of blankets on the couch across the theatre room.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. He jumped up fast already drawing his gun. Once he noticed it was me he let out a breath.

He walked over to me and gave me the look of 'You better have had a good ass reason for waking me up'.

"Sound, front of the house, not letting what happen last time happen again," I say sounding oh so very calm.

Tony nods and hands Bree a gun from inside the couch cushions.

She pulls one from the inside of her bra and smiles sarcastically. 

We both look at her confused and she sighs loudly.

"What, you guys expect me not to take a gun out of your very obvious gun room. I mean come on. Also, the girls don't really take it well with not having protection on you at all times." She says.

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