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"Who are you and What do you want? Or better yet can we skip to the shooting part so I can go to bed?" I ask.

The intruder chuckles, it sounds familiar.

"Seriously bro, I'm tired. I don't have time for this. Leading a mafia takes a lot of energy. So pull out your gun and attempt to kill me so I can shoot you. Your interrupting my time to cry about my dead fiancé, I don't take that lightly, you know I do-" I got cut off.

"Pumpkin, your rambling," a husky voice whispers.

"Okay Mr. Intruder, I don't let anyone call me pumpkin except Liam so can you shut your mouth and attempt to shoot me because I don't kill innocent people but you really do know how to piss me off!" I state, turning off the safety on my gun.

"Christ sweet cheeks, I was gone two days and you already changed, how many people have you killed? Not going to lie it makes you hotter?" The intruder said.

I stand there for about 2 minutes before it sinks in.

2 days, Pumpkin, Sweet cheeks, hot.

I jump towards then intruder dropping my gun and tackling them.

"Liam?" I ask. tears welling in my eyes.

"My zucca," he answers.

I couldn't help the tears that fell. 

I missed him. 

Then I remembered what happened.

I stood up fast. My mood changing so quick you'd think someone flicked a switch.

I was pissed. How could he do this to me?

"You fucking dick, I thought you died!" I scream.

"I know babe I j-" I cut him off.

"I cried my ass off thinking I lost the one person I love. You know how ugly I looked?" I ask still screaming.

"Pumpkin that's not possible your gorgeous," I rolled my eyes.

"Not working on me sweetheart, I want a full explanation in the morning," I say walking over to the bed.

Liam flicks on the lights.

"What are you doing baby?" He asks me. I grab a pillow and a blanket and shove them into his arms.

"You, baby, are sleeping on the couch," I say, my voice leaving no room for discussion.

"But," I cut him off.

"Don't test me Liam, I can really make you mad." I say.

"I could never be mad at you," he says.

Well this should be fun.


"Briana I'm going to kill you!" Liam screams as I run down the stairs.

"Liam, just go take a cold shower," I scream back getting a look from Al and a snicker from Kyle.

"Bree I will get you back for this," He seethes slamming the bedroom door. I giggle.

"What did you do?" Tony asks with an amused expression.

"Well you see, he said I could never make him mad, so I might have played a game with him and it got a little HARD for him If you know what I mean." I say trying to keep a serious face. The three men in front of me burst out laughing.

"Anyway, Al I need you to-," I pause.

"Wait a second," I stare at them.

"Why aren't you shocked that he's here?" I ask.

They all look away avoiding my eye contact.

"We knew," Kyle said in a quite voice.

"We couldn't tell you," Tony said. Al didn't say anything.

None of them made eye contact still.

"You knew? You knew he was alive and you couldn't tell me. You let me believe that my Liam was dead. You acted like you actually cared. You cried with me. All of you are liars. You lied to ME! I wanted at least one person I could trust in my life to not lie to me but I guess that's asking to much." I say, barley holding in my anger.

These guys were my friends.

My brothers.

One of them practically raised me.

And they all lied to me.

All of them.

My fiancé lied to me.

Everyone's a liar.

I trusted them.

I guess that's my mistake.

I'll never trust again.


"Were are you going?" All the boys ask at the same time. I had a backpack on my shoulder and was texting on my phone.

"Somewhere, the girls know where I am so if anything important comes up have the girls call me. Only if something important comes up. Don't follow me, and don't let Liam work. I will kill all of you if I find out you tried to track me or if you let Liam work. He is not ready. I put Shaquala in charge of desk work." I say.

"Come on Mija, don't do this,I know your and but we can work this out" Al says.

"Don't flatter yourself boys, my best friend, Dylan," I look at Liam, and he looks like he's about to kill someone, good. "Is pregnant and her water just broke. I need to go help her get through labor because her man lied straight to her face too." I say. I give the boys a sarcastic cheesy smile and walk out the front doors.

I chucked my cell phone in the garbage outside and picked up the one from outside my old bedrooms window.

Time for a psycho pregnant woman.

Stolen by the Mafia ☑️Where stories live. Discover now