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I waited outside the doctors door for 20 minutes.

I knew Tony was asleep because I could hear his snoring out here.

It wasn't surprising though, he was always a snorer.

I smiled when I thought about the sleepovers we had as kids. We stayed up all night because I'd hit him with a pillow every time he'd snore to loud.

Another loud noise sprang me from my thoughts.

But it wasn't Tony's snore.

Tony woke up to.

I opened the door slowly and motioned for him to follow me.

We searched the whole mansion for 2 hours.

Nothing was moved or out of place.

I sighed and me and Tony make are way over to the doctors room.

"She's going to be okay, just chill," Tony said.

I just stared at him.

Why did he think I cared!

I didn't care!

"I don't care! Why would I care! She's nothing to me but a casualty. She could die for all I care!" I said. That's when I processed it. I was holding her hand. I loosened my grip and turned away from Tony's hard glare.

The room fell into a awkward silence before it filled with beeping.

"Shit!" Me and Tony both said at the same time.

"Give me the needle and call Sam!" I said trying to sound calm.

I could feel her fingers loosening around my hands.

The beeping got faster.

Tony was calling Sam well he grabbed the syringe of the counter and tossed it to me.

I quickly uncapped it and jabbed it into her side.

Then she pounded her hand in the bed!


She just moved.

"Bree?!" I asked.

I take her hand in mine again and brush my lips against it.

There was another loud bang.

This time it was close.

We were up for a couple hours to so we knew we didn't just hear it.

"Hold on a second, Bree," I say. I let go of her hand and could feel the her body shiver against my back.

The door opened and look up.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed.

Another threat I bet.

I'm sick and tired of him showing up here.

I stood up slowly and glared at him. He then pulled out a gun. Before I could react a shot sounded. My ears rang as I looked down and saw the blood seeping through my shirt. I looked up at him again and noticed him just smirking at me. The last thing I saw before darkness consumed me was his gross hands holding my Bree.


I woke up to annoying beeping.

Like seriously can it just shut up.

I swear imma brake whatever the hell that is.

I open my eyes to a room.

It was gray and white.

Pictures of dogs and landscapes covered the walls.

I sighed.

I'm in the hospital, how lovely.

I looked over to my side.

And there it was.

That stupid heart monitor!

That mother fucker.

I ripped my IV out of my my arm and slammed it into the monitor.

The beeping stopped.

Thank the lord!

The door opened, and Tony stood there.

"Good your ass up! Let's go," Tony walked in.

I looked at him then jumped up.

"Bree?" I asked. His smirk turned into a frown and he shook his head.

"Fuck" I mumbled. Just what I needed.

Tony walked in further and repeated himself.

"Let's go, come on, before the doctors and police come with questions." He said calmly.

Tony was always calm. No matter the situation.

He was thoughtful and kind. You would never think that would work in the Mafia, but it does.

He kills people still. Only if they really deserve it though. Only if they do something really messed up.

"Come on pretty boy, don't make me carry you," Tony laughed at his own comment and I just rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my phone off the counter next to me and Tony handed me clothes.

I walked into the hospital bathroom and changed fast.

I scrolled through the messages from buyers and gang members.

I left the bathroom and Tony handed me a glock 20.

I slipped it into my back pocket and walked out of the room. I pulled out my phone again and continued reading texts.

"Fuck," Tony said. I raised my eyes from my phone and looked up. Cops were all over the waiting room. There were guns everywhere. I sighed. We walked back into the room.

"What's the plan?" Tony asked.

"I don't know," I stated. Tony sighed and walked into the bathroom.

"I knew I shouldn't have brought you here." He said, teeth clenched. He searched the whole room before finally sitting on the bed.

"Okay I know this is stupid, but we could pretend to be an item. You know, just walk out there with you face nuzzled in my chest." Tony said. I was about to open my mouth and say no but then I thought.

"Okay," Tony looked at me shocked then shook his head.

"I'll go across the hall and get some balloons and teddy bears from the patient," he stated and left.

I let out a deep sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.

I hope Bree is alright.

If anybody lays a finger on her they will get it chopped off.

Tony came back in with balloons and a teddy bear.

He then took off his sweatshirt and I put it on.

I pulled the hood over my head and grabbed the teddy bear. Tony grabbed some balloons and we exited the room.

Tony wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. I left my face pressed against his chest, and held the teddy bear close to me.

We headed out towards the door and nobody noticed us.

Once we made it outside Tony let go.

He coughed awkwardly as we stepped away from each other.

We both started laughing uncontrollably and I walked over to a dumpster dropping the bear and balloons into it.

Tony and I walked over to a alley and one of my Lamborghini Reventon Roadster was there Our laughing finally died down when we entered the car.

Stolen by the Mafia ☑️Where stories live. Discover now