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Bree's POV

His intent stair made me squirm.

He just sat and stared.

He waited for a answer patiently and I just sat there.

Not answering.

Once his stare was to much I looked down.

There was no way I would trust him.

No way he wouldn't do the same.

No way he wouldn't hurt me to.

"Your just like them," I say, my voice calm and even.

Everything about him made me sick.

I looked back into his eyes.

His forest green eyes.

The swirls of greens and yellows that surrounded his pupil.

What the hell!

Ughh why did he have to be so dreamy.

Wait no!

He ugly!

"Are you listening to me?" He abruptly brought me out of my daze.

"Huh?" I stared at him confused and he just chuckled. A pearl white smile appeared on his lips and he let out a sigh.

His face turned serious again and he repeated himself.

"Who hurt you?" His face was concern, and one other emotion I couldn't quite grasp.

I let out a sigh and looked away.

I was not in the mood to be interrogated.

He used to fingers and lifted my chin towards him.


I looked behind him and suddenly a door about 20 feet away was uber interesting. I was so focused on the door I didn't notice that his hands were around my waist.


My eyes locked with his and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his face. 

god, why is he so hot!

No snap out of right now!!!!!


We walked down the stairs and took several twists and turns.

Well he walked, I awkwardly adjusted myself every two seconds because I hate it when people carry me.

We walked up to a big door and he pushed it open revealing a kitchen.

Still carrying me bridal style, He sat me on the counter and walked to the other side.

He pulled out a box of Honey Nut Cheerios and a bowl of milk.

I cringed.

I hate cereal!

Cheerios the most.

I went months eating nothing but them.

The thought of eating them again sent shivers down my spine.

He noticed my dissatisfaction and walked towards me leaving the bowl.

"What's wrong?" He aske, starring at me for a couple seconds then sighing.

He slowly made his way towards me.

Trying not to scare me.

The closer he got the more I tried to scoot back.

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