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"Princess, where are you? You can't hide forever," Colter's voice boomed through the halls. I shiver fell down my spine as I covered my mouth to try not to let a whimper escape.

"I guess I can just text you little friend, tell her to come over, ah what's her name?-Mila," He says calmly.

"We can have a little fun, well I'll have some fun. She will probably die," he says as though its the most casual thing to say.

Which at this point, I ain't going to lie, probably is the most casual thing I've heard today.

His footsteps sounded, as they came closer.

I know he is lying.

For starters even though he has my phone I have a locker one.

I also don't contact Milo over text.

Ever! It's our own secret language.

I always call once then hang up, then I facetime her twice both quick calls. After that, I post a photo of us to on my story on snap chat.

I know it's a long process, but it keeps her safe.


Now it's time for his sick game.

If I don't pretend that threat it the biggest one I've heard he will find one that is.

I step out of my hiding place discretely because if I ever want to hide I need a place he doesn't know.

I take a couple of strides towards the couch and pull the earbuds from my back pocket.

I grabbed my tablet and pulled up Netflix placing the time about halfway through Hercules.

I sit on the couch well placing both headphones in and wait for him to find me. This way I can pretend I didn't hear him. A tap on my shoulder makes me pull out my buds and I turn.

"Hey princess, how are you?" he asks. Thank god he took the bait. I guess he really is dumb. I pause my movie and smile sweetly at him.

"I'm good, and you?" I ask. He smiles back and sits beside me. His eyes travel my body and I try not to squirm under his perverted gaze.

"Fine," He says laying his hand on my thigh.

My whole body tenses.

My eyes dart around the room for ways or excuses to get out of this.

My eyes land on an iPad charger and I smile. I glance down my percent and it says 23%. I stand up and walk over to it. I plug in my Ipad and turn back around.

Before I could say anything a hand is over my mouth and Colter is right in front of me.

"Just give in baby, 18 and you mine," He says with a soft tone. I jerk my head and give him a glare.

"No, I am not an object, you don't own me," I spit shoving him away.

A sharp pain across my cheek caused my face to flick to the left. I stumble back and catch my balance.

"Listen bitch, your MINE!" he seethed through clenched teeth.

Before I could respond he shoved me up against the wall. He pinned both my arms above my head and forcefully kissed me.

His hands roamed my body and under my shirt.

My body shook hard as I tried slamming my feet against hos body.

I tried hard to remove my hands from his grip, but he was too strong.

I let out a muffled screech when he tore off my shirt.

I shook my head frantically and couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. He finally released his grip on my hands to fumble with his belt.

"Listen, stop fighting it. I promised your dad I wouldn't take you until your 18 but that doesn't mean I won't use that pretty little tight mouth for my own pleasure," he said well pulling down his briefs.

I shook more frantically as he approached me. He shoved up against me and kissed me again.

I shoved him off me hard and punched him square in the jaw as Kyle had taught me.

"I will never stop fighting," I say. He stood up angry but before he could approach me the guest bedroom door flew open.

A flood of relief flew through me as Kyle poked his head in. His eyes widened but then went emotionless.

"Boss want's you, Colter," He said nonchalantly.

Colter nodded and they both exited the room. I let out a breath of relief once the door closed.

A few minutes later Kyle re-entered with a shirt and rag. He handed me the shirt and gave me a kiss on the cheek before exiting again.

Kyle only stayed to keep me safe. I don't think he understands that keeping me safe makes him unsafe.

Maybe he doesn't care.


Wow that was interesting. Well that was a flashback into her past but I don't like it. Also didn't edit so sorry for mistakes 😐. Also I'm tired so it might not make sense

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