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Once I was in the safety of Liam's room I let out a breath.

I was so surprised he even let me walk away.

He seemed to like the controlling type, and that scared me.

It reminded me of HIM.

I didn't know how long I could stand being here.

Just the thought of him doing anything to me sent a shiver down my spine.

His whole "Im the boss" shit was really pissing me off.

No one owns me.

I guess I just don't understand why I am here.

I mean what did I do?

I know im not perfect but I sure as hell try to be.

Not that that's really my choice.

"What are you thinking about?" The sudden sound of his husky voice made me flinch.

I just sat there silent waiting for him to go away.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my face in them.

I felt the bed dip beside me and I let it a sigh.

Why wouldn't he just leave me alone.

"Are you okay?" Did he really just ask me that?

I looked at him but for the first time I wasn't scared.

"What do you think. I mean I was kidnapped by some psycho dude by random. You won't tell me why I'm here. But you wanna know what the worst part is, this is still better than a normal fucking day at my house," My voice was calm but assertive, the pain and anger clear in it.

A look of shock spread across his face.

He was not ready for my sudden outburst.

He quickly masked it away giving me a blank expression.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Just get out," I said.

He looked at me for a few seconds more before standing up and walking away.

It was my turn to be shocked.

I mean he just walked away from me without some back handed comment or nasty look.

Maybe he was testing me.

It didn't matter I couldn't deal with this right now.

My anxiety was way to high and I was so hungry.

The only thing I had eaten in the last week and a half was those strawberries.

He stopped in front of the door.

"Tony went to the store to buy you more strawberries, I'll send him up," with that he left.

I let out a shaky breath trying not to let tears fall.

My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour and I was getting a headache.

I sighed as I laid down on the pillow.

I tried hard to get my mind to calm down.

I tried to think of happy memory's but there was none.

Millions of things running through my head.

I could feel a horrid migraine coming on.

I went back to trying to calm down and breath.

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