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"What do you want Asher, I swear if this is another one of your threats I don't have time for it!" Tony said answering his phone.

I agreed we don't have time for Asher's "I will be better than you one-day" shit.

There was silence as Asher talked on the other line.

Tony's face went through about 70 different expressions in 2 seconds flat.

Who knew the human face could make so many. Let alone in a matter of seconds.

"Bree? Omg Bree are you alright? Why are you calling me from Asher's phone? Omg does he have you?" I looked up fast at the mention of her name. Was it her or was he rubbing it in our faces that he had her?

"what the fuck," Alejandro said.

Bree probably didn't remember Al, but they use to be close.

I haven't had the chance to introduce them since Bree was almost always in the fucking hospital.

"I'm going to kill him!" I growl. The was another pause as we waited for what she was going to say.

"Wait Bree, do yo-, ughh she hung up!" Tony mumbled the last part. Colin already had his computer out tracking the phone.

I'm coming for you Bree! No matter what I will find you.

Please stay strong and safe.

All the boys in the car looked at me weirdly.

"Shit, did I say that out loud?" I asked.

Tony just started laughing well Colin had a smirk plastered across his face.

Al just stared at me like he was going to kill me.

"If you hurt her I swear I will brake you!" Al said to me.

This caused Mark and James, who were sitting in the back to laugh to.

I just rolled my eyes and we drove back to the gang house getting ready to get my- I mean, Bree home.

I mean here, as in Mansion.

She would never call this place home.

I'm sure her parents loved her more.

I just pulled out my phone and pretended to be busy.

Even though the only thing on my mind is Bree.


"I swear to god if Asher laid even a finger on her, I'm going to blow off his head," Al said. I swear that boy doesn't understand that if he shoots Asher I'll have to wait for the after life to hurt that piece of shit.

"Ya sure, if you killed Asher, Liam over there, wouldn't get to kill the piece of shit himself," Tony said. I just chuckled at his response.

"Omg did Liam finally make a sound," Mark says from the back. I shoot him a glare but that just caused him to laugh harder. I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

"We got her location," Colin said. I nodded my head slightly and he gave the paper to James who was driving. James whole face changed as if he saw a ghost.

"You sure?" He asked. James was a great friend of ours for many years. Although he was only in the gang for a couple months. We didn't know much about his family and we didn't ask.

Him and Mark has been friends for some time though. I mean that's how he joined the gang.

Mark looked at the paper and looked shocked. He almost looked hurt.

I gave him a "continue" look and he just looked away.

"Are you sure," Mark asked Colin. Colin looked at him weirdly and nodded his head.

"Asher, as in my Asher?" James asked.

Mark looked at me for confirmation and I looked at him quizzically.

"Mark, why didn't you tell me?" James asked. I hint of hurt in his voice. Mark just shook his head.

"I-I didn't know," Mark said looking at me.

"What?" Me, Colin, Tony, and Al growled at the same time.

"Ashers my brother,"

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