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I was sitting in the guest bedroom across the hall from my room, when I heard the door creek open.

I very slowly made my way over to my door.

I stood just out of sight so that I could see my door but no in there could see me.

I watched as Briana slowly walked out of my room leaving the door open.

Did she really have to do this now?

I followed here down the stairs slowly to make sure she didn't notice me.

To my surprise she walked by the front door and into the kitchen. She flinched a couple times well letting out some whimpers.

I sighed as I watched her sit in front of the fridge and eat strawberries. She looked so lost in thought.

She was still wearing the same clothes from when the maid changed her.

Her long brown hair was slightly covering here face. I loved the way her eyebrows furrowed together when she was deep in thought. The way her eyes gleamed in curiosity. The way she lightly chewed on the inside of her lip.

She was so challenging to read though. It seemed as the her feelings kept changing from sadness to rage.

I wanted her to open up to me but she wouldn't.

I understood were she was coming from, you know, the whole I stole her thing.

But if you really think about it, why was she walking around that late at night.

More importantly how did she make me?

I was sure as hell more trained then her yet she made me before I made her.

She said she noticed me real fast in one store. She said she felt the whole energy in the room shift when I walked in. She knew something was up right away but she brushed it off with paranoia.

I didn't notice her for a few minutes, maybe 30.

It's actually quite funny because I thought she was the buyer.

I thought maybe she was just playing cool and had me follow for a couple stores to make sure it was actually me.

The person who hired told me they were female.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard the fridge close.

I slowly moved behind were the door would open to and stood still.

When I heard her tiny feet slowly make there way towards me I held my breath.

She opened the door and walked away not noticing me. She walked down the hall way and stopped.

I hid behind a fucking plant.

I know it was stupid but she did look around for a few seconds.

It was better safe than sorry.

She continued down the hall a couple more steps before she slowed.

A smile grew big on her face.

She frowned as her eyes slowly drifted over some.

I would to.

Some of the pictures were sad.

Some were happy though.

She completely stopped walking when her eyes caught a small photo.

A look of realization past through her eyes.

I thought she would walk away but she didn't.

She stayed. She ran her fingers over the edges.

Stolen by the Mafia ☑️Where stories live. Discover now