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I had a reason to be mad, he called me one of his sluts.

I just really hoped he actually didn't meant it.

I guess now I know he was being honest.

I wonder how many girls he got lined up for his perverted ways.

I was just one of them.

One of the many girls he would just fuck and throw away.

I almost gave myself to him, and what do I get?

Called a slut!

And then on top of that he couldn't go a hour without fucking another girl. I'm so gullible.

I let him take advantage of me. Now the only thing I have to do is escape.

I can't be here anymore.

It's been avoiding him for two weeks.

Of course all I've been doing is planning my escape.

The last time he tried to talk to me Shaquala shut him right up. Of course then there's the bribes. I don't think he understands that I don't take peoples money.

Oh but that doesn't stop him.

"Anna, you good?" Melody asked.

"Hmm, oh ya swell," I return with a fake smile.

She just nods her head and turns back to the movie. We've all become way closer over the weeks.

Of course it might have to do with the fact that I can't leave. Although I must say that being here is still better than with my father and HIM.

"Let's go get lunch," Emily said well standing up. We all stood and followed her out.

"You know I could really kill for some poppyseed muffins right about now." I said.

I mean I should be getting a visit from Aunt Flo pretty soon.

I guess my cravings have come early. There's one thing you should know. I am a bitch when it's shark week.

You really don't want to fuck with me. I also will eat anything that is edible. Also, never, and I mean never, take my food.

"Bree, what do you want, Salad or pizza?" Shaquala asked.

"Well I'm fat, so pizza," I say.

She laughs and pulls out her phone. Melody and Emily follow her out to the living room to make the call.

I walk to the cupboard and get a glass. Of course I grab strawberries out of the fridge. Half way through me pouring my water someone enters the kitchen.

"We absolutely positively need poppyseed muffins please, also do you have extra pads?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not,"


I place the pitcher of water on the counter and turn around. My eyes met with gorgeous forest green ones.

I roll my eyes and pick up the pitcher placing it in the fridge.

"Bree we need to talk," he says. I chuckle and turn around walking away. Well I mean I grabbed my strawberries first.

"I'll pass," I say. He grips my arm and I yank it out of his grip. He lets out a sigh before blocking the doorway.

"Bree, come on," he says. I just stand there eating my strawberries well glaring at him.

"Aww, you look so cute," he says well chuckling. I throw my half eaten strawberry at him and he moves out of the way. I take that as my exit ticket and walk out of the door.

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