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*Warning, sexual assault ahead*

I woke up with a stinging sensation in my left cheek. I opened my eyes slowly and reached my hand up to touch it.

"Good, your up," a voice I don't know says.

"Did you just slap me?" I asked, knowing my voice came off as pissy. The nerve this bitch had!

"Feisty, I like it," breaking eye contact from that total pervert I drew my eyes around the room.

It was smaller the Liam's room but still huge.

I looked down and noticed I was in a bed. Then it hit me.

Where the fuck am I? I finally jumped up and looked around more rapidly.

"Calm down doll face," His deep voice said.

I looked at him. My eyes dragging down his body. He was the okay looking. Fine, he was hot.

He looked like a total player though.

With his chiseled jaw and captivating brown eyes. He had plump lips that pulled up into a smirk.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and he had a 6pack. His brown hair hung messily around his head.

After noticing I was staring I glared at him. Still haven't forgotten how he slapped me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled as if he just one the lottery.

His eyes dragged up and down my body As he licked his lips.

I looked at him confused then looked down and noticed I was just in my bra and underwear.

My ones I just bought from VS to be exact. It was a dark red lacy set.

I quickly grabbed the blanket of the bed.

"What the fuck?" I stared at him.

He better not have touched me the his nasty hands.

He just chuckled and stood up.

He ripped the blanket from my hands and pushed me roughly against the wall. He leaned his face close to mine. He spoke as his hot breath tickled my ear.

"The names Asher, and you Bree," he paused, licking my ear. "our mine," his words sent a shiver down my spine.

Definitely not the good kind.

My breathing hitched as I felt his lips press against my neck.

I kicked him hard in the nuts and he backed away staggering a bit.

"You little bitch!" He stood up taller and yanked me towards him. He then pushed me on the bed.

"What the fuck do you think you doing Asshole?" I asked.

I knew talking back to this Asher guy wasn't smart but if he thinks he's going to touch me.

He's in for a real treat.

"I said I owned you, and I get to do whatever the fuck I want to what I own." He said as he trailed his hands up and down my hips.

"I swear to fucking chocolate, if you lay one more of your ugly ass fingers on me, I will make you life living hell!" I scream well pushing his hands of me.

I don't think he understands my best friend taught me self defense because of my father and HIM. Of course I never used it because who would hit there own parents.

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