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Did he really have to tell him?

This is my private life.

I should have been the one to tell him.

There is no way he will want me now.

He probably thinks I am trash.

It was all my fault anyway. I just wish I could die. I wish I could slip away and stop being a burden to everyone.

I was brought from my thoughts by a soft knock on the door. Before I could answer Al came in.

"Ya no problem, let yourself in," I say sarcastically.

He just nods and gives me a small smile.

"Don't be mad a Kyle, he didn't know," He said well sitting next to me on the bed.

"Well, what does he expect, that I go around telling everybody about my fucked up past?" I ask.

"I'm sure he didn't mean any harm," he says. I just nod and stare at the wall in front of me.

"I know, I just...Liam won't want me anymore. I pushed him away so he won't hurt me and I guess that was smart. He won't even want to look at me anymore." I let a small tear slide down my cheek. Al reaches forward and wipes it with his thumb.

"If Liam doesn't want you because if things that happened outside of your reach, then he really is a dumbass." He says pulling me into a hug. I push him away and wipe my tears.

" I'm just some weak little girl who always gets taken advantage of. "

"You think you are weak?" I voice asks. I don't answer I just stare at the wall in front of me.

Al lets himself out and Liam takes his place on the bed.

"Briana, you are the strongest person I know. You are so smart and loving and I have no idea how you still keep a smile on your face. You have been through so much, yet you turn around and smile. You inspire so many people to be better. You inspired me to be better." Liam said hugging me.

Before I could respond, clapping sounds through the room.

Both I and Liam looked at each other confused then looked up.

5 men were right in front of me.

One made my blood boil and anger surge threw my veins.


My whole thought process froze.

I just stared.

The memories of everything bad that ever happened because of this monster in front of me flooded back.

"Bravo, bravo! That was so lovely." He says wiping away an imaginary tear.

Then in two seconds flat, he yanked me up from beside Liam.

He threw an arm around my shoulder and chills fell down my spine.

Even his touch made me sick to my stomach.

"I'm sorry Mr. Liam but I believe this lovely woman here is mine," Colter said tightening his grip around my shoulders. "Ain't that right princess," he leaned his head down and let a gentle kiss on my shoulder.

I kept an emotionless face well Liam looked like he was about to kill him. He stood up fast and walked towards me. Colter pulled out a gun and pressed against my head.

I held my emotionless face.

I'm scared.

But I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that though.

I'm just standing here, in his arms. The arms that are wrapped around me tightly.

The coolness of the gun pressed against my temple.

God, Father of Jesus Mary I am the stupidest person on this earth. If I didn't have a pity party we could have left by now.

"Move and I'll shoot," Colter said to Liam. I rolled my eyes and a cold chuckle erupted from my lips.

"Is something funny princess," Colter whispers in my ear pressing the gun further into my temple.

"Yes," I say. He tenses but softens fast.

"And that is?" he asks.

"That you think you're going to kill me, we all know you wouldn't be able to pull the trigger," I say.

"And why is that princess," he asks.

"Because you helplessly obsessed with me. You hurt me all the time but you would never kill me. You love me too much." I say.

I don't know where this confidence came from but I liked it.

I want him to know that I hate him. That I am no longer afraid of him.

"Your smart princess, so you should shut up," he said.

"See um, she hates being called princess. Something about parliament being too strict and not having a say," Liam says. Before I could respond gunshots went off and all hell broke loose.

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