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I am never, and I mean never, being in the same room as a pregnant lady again.

Let alone help one well they were in labor.

That was very traumatic.

After my, 'experience', I got in my car and drove back to the mansion.

I've been gone for about a week and a half, but I promised to stay with her till her baby was born.

The father is completely out of the picture so she needed someone.

Me, being the good friend I am, agreed.

I kept up with all the work.

I went to a couple gang meetings and lunch with Mrs. Rhodes .

I am now pretty positive she loves me more than her own son.

Speaking of Liam.

Surprisingly, he hasn't tried to contact me.

In fact no one has.

I appreciate it though, because I need me time.

As soon as I slammed my car door Tony, Kyle, and Al, were out of the house with the girls not far behind.

The all had sad smiles on there faces.

I grabbed my suitcase from the back and started heading inside.

"Hey babe, how bout we have a girls day," Emily says, stopping me.

"Sure let me just put my stuff inside and I'll be right out," I say resuming walking.

"NO, um just give it to Al to take," she says.

I look at her weirdly but she looks at everything but me.

"It's fine, I got it," I say eyeing her suspiciously.

"Oh no, it's not a big deal just let him take it," Shaquala says.

Now I look at her suspicious.

She gulps and looks away from my intense glare.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask. No one answers. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, well y'all figure out how your going to tell me what your hiding, I'm going to go put my stuff in my room," I say.

The all step in front of me.

"Move it," I say trying to shove through them. They stand there ground.

"Move your ass right now, I am your boss, and if you don't get the hell out of my way I will shoot you in the head," I say.

As soon as those words leave my lips the move right away.

I shove past them all and open the front door. Nothing seems off, why were they so suspicious. Why were they acting so weird?

I make it to my room and unpack all my shit. I amid my way to the bathroom and strip from my clothes. I turn on the cold water and let it loosen my muscles.


I change into a pair of leggings and a cute loose fitted crop top with the word, 'Angel', on the front.

I grab my phone and walk into the kitchen.

I was texting an old friend and didn't look up.

I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet for some strawberries.

I opened the fridge to grab some strawberries but it was slammed shut.

I look up to see Angela. I roll my eyes.

"What are you doing back here you slut?" She asks.

I give her a deadly look and chuckle.

"I'm sorry Ms. Bewick, but if I'm not mistaking, I'm your boss. I do not, under no circumstance, tolerate disrespect. So I would knock off that attitude you have, before I knock you off a cliff," I say.

She laughs.

"You think you're still boss?" She asks mockingly, placing her manicured finger and my chest when saying 'you're'.

"No sweetie, I know I'm still Boss," I say grasping her wrist and twisting it pushing her away from me.

Liam walks in the room and looks at me.

A look of guilt and fear, and regret?

I look at him weirdly.

Angela walks up and kisses him.

A flash of hurt flows through my body when he doesn't push her off.

But as usual, I cover up my feelings.

"Liam, baby, explain to Bree she is not boss anymore," Angela says looking at Liam expectedly.

She really thinks he'll choose her over me.

Oh wait, he will, he just kissed her.

In front of me!

That narcissistic, cold hearted, backstabbing, egotistical, bastard.

"Briana, pack you bags, I want you out of here. I am the boss and always will be," He says with no emotion.

I stare at him challenging him with my eyes.

He looks away.

I look at Angela and see she is smirking at my reaction. I start laughing and they both look at me confused. It makes me laugh harder.

"I'm sorry, but Liam, engagement is off," I say throwing the ring at him.

He looks hurt but nods curtly.

Trying to mask his emotions.

"And Angela, pack your bag and get the fuck out of this house before I throw you out myself, and if that happens it will be your dead body thrown in a trunk on its way to a river," I say.

"But-" I cut her off.

This bitch really needs to know when to shut up.

"No, out NOW," I say. She stays.

I pull out my gun and aim it at her head.

She runs out of the room.


How is she even in the Mafia?

"Also Liam, I am the boss. You broke one of the mafia rules. Actually three of the mafia rules. The first being that you can't leave the mafia until death. You faked yours. The second being, don't lie to your family, as in gang. Which you did. And third is never, ever, betray your family, you just did that. Let alone the fact that my names are in all the papers that say I own and run this shit show, so I suggest you pull the stick out of your petty ass and learn your place, because I have every right to kick you out completely." I say.

He looks shocked.

I just walk away.

I have no time for his shit!

"Bree I'm sorry we-" I cut Kyle off by slapping him across his face.

"That is for lying to me you backstabbing dickwad, I trusted you the most and you lied straight to my face. I expected more from you," I say.

I walk towards Emily and the rest of the girls.

"I know you wanted girls night, but how bout movie night downstairs," I suggest.

The nod and smile. I smile back but it doesn't meet my eyes.

They never do anymore.

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