Into The Byzantium

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AN: I don't own Doctor Who, or any of the characters. I don't own you either.
Your POV
In the trailer, the five of you were staring at a video of an angel statue on a loop. The angel was facing away from you, with its head in its hands. "What do you think?" River asked, gesturing to the looping footage. "It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. I ripped it when I was onboard, sorry about the quality. It's four seconds, I've put it on loop." 
"That's a Weeping Angel?" You asked, as The Doctor got closer to the screen.
"Yep, it's an Angel." The Doctor replied. "Hands covering its face."
"You've encountered the Angels before?" Octavian asked.
"Once on Earth, a long time ago. But those were scavengers, barely surviving." The Doctor answered.
"But it's just a statue." Amy said.
"It's a statue when you see it." River replied.
"It can move?" You questioned, and she nodded.
"Where did it come from?" The Doctor asked.
"Oh, pulled from the ruins of Razbahan, end of last century. It's been in private hands ever since, dormant all that time." River answered.
"There's a difference between dormant and patient." The Doctor said calmly.
"What does that mean? It's a statue when you can see it?" Amy asked.
"When you look away, they move." You replied. "I think that's right." River nodded.
"According to legend, yes." She added.
"It's not legend, it's a quantum lock." The Doctor interrupted. "In the sight of any living creature, the Angels literally cease to exist. They're just stone. The ultimate defence mechanism."
"What, being a stone?" Amy questioned.
"Stone, until you turn your back." The Doctor answered.
"That's clever." You said quietly, and The Doctor looked back at you. "So what's the plan? We just go in there and destroy it?"

"The hyper drive would have split open on impact." The Doctor said, leading you, River and Father Octavian outside. "The whole ship will be flooded with radiation, cracked electrons, gravity storms, deadly to almost any living thing." "Deadly to an Angel?" Octavian asked.
"Dinner to an Angel. The longer we leave it, the stronger it'll grow." The Doctor replied.
"Right, so how do we get in there, without dying of radioactive poisoning?" You inquired. The Doctor stopped walking for a moment.
"Good question. Who built that temple? Are they still around?" He asked River.
"The Aplans. Indigenous race, died out 400 years ago." She answered, looking at the device in her hands.
"200 years ago, the planet was terraformed." Octavian added. "Currently there are six billion human colonists."
"Wow!" The Doctor exclaimed. "You lot, you're like rabbits! I'll never get done saving you." You folded your arms.
"I don't appreciate being compared to a rabbit." You stated coldly, and he grinned brightly at you.
"Very lovely rabbits, Y/N." He corrected himself. You smiled back at him.
"Sir, if there is a clear and present danger to the local population..." Octavian began.
"Oh, there is. Bad as it gets. Bishop, lock and load." The Doctor interrupted, glancing back at you.
"Verger, how are we doing with those explosives?" Octavian called. "Dr Song, with me."
"Two minutes. Sweetie, I need you!" River called, walking off the opposite direction. The Doctor seemed confused, and mouthed her words to himself, before running after her. "Nobody need us?" Amy called from the doorway of the trailer. "Anybody?" You shrugged your shoulders at her, as she went back inside the trailer. You played idly with your hands, as you attempted to think of something to do. As you did so, you heard Amy yell, "Dr Song? Did you have more than one clip of the Angel?"
"No, just the four seconds." River answered, as you approached Amy.
"What's wrong, Pond?" You questioned.
"It's probably nothing." She replied. "I just thought that I saw the Angel in the recording move." You stepped into the trailer, and looked at the Angel. It still had it's back to you, but it's head was no longer in it's hands. "That's strange." You mumbled, stepping towards the screen. "It's a recording of an Angel, so how is it moving?" Amy shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know." She answered.
"You keep an eye on it, and I'll go get The Doctor. He'll know what to do." You said, backing up out of the trailer and walking over to The Doctor and River. "Doctor..." You began, as he stared at the book in his hands. He turned to look at you.
"What's wrong?" He asked, and you pointed at the trailer.
"The Angel's moved." You replied, causing River to look at you like you'd gone mad. Before anyone could question you, you heard a loud scream of, "Doctor! Y/N!"
"Amy!" You and The Doctor cried in unison, running towards the trailer. You pulled at the door handle, only to find it locked. "Are you alright? What's happening?" The Doctor asked, as you continued trying to get the door handle to budge.
"Doctor, it's coming out through the television screen. The Angel is here." Amy replied, with panic in her voice.
"Don't take your eyes off it! It can't move if you're looking." The Doctor called to her, as he produced the sonic. "Keep trying that door." He commanded you, as he pulled open the control panel of the door, and activated the sonic. "What's wrong?" River asked.
"Deadlocked." The Doctor answered. You pressed yourself against the door, so that Amy could hear you.
"Amy, we're going to get you out, alright? Just keep looking." You comforted her, as The Doctor dashed around frantically.
"There is no deadlock." River commented, pulling at the control panel.
"Don't even blink, Amy!" The Doctor called.
"Doctor!" Amy repeated.
"What are you doing?" River questioned.
"Cutting the power. It's using the screen, so I'm turning the screen off." The Doctor said, before giving up. "It's no good, it's deadlocked the entire system."
"There is no deadlock!" River snapped.
"Apparently, there is now!" You commented, as Amy let out another cry for help.
"Can you turn it off?" The Doctor asked through the door. "The screen, can you turn it off?"
"I tried." Amy answered.
"Try again, but don't take your eyes off the Angel." The Doctor instructed.
"I'm not!" Amy snapped angrily.
"If something moves, it'll move faster. Don't even blink, Amy." The Doctor reminded, as River motioned for you to move. You did as she told you to, as she pointed her gun at the door. A flame burst out of the end, heating the door up and starting to melt it.  "I'm not blinking! Have you ever tried not blinking?" Amy yelled. A few moments of silence passed, before Amy added, "It just keeps turning back on!"
"Yeah, it's the Angel!" The Doctor replied.
"But it's just a recording." Amy said in disbelief.
"No, anything that takes the image of an Angel is an Angel." The Doctor said, pulling out more wires from the command panel. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking at River.
"I'm trying to cut through. It's not even warm." She replied.
"Is there some other way in? A back door or something?" You asked, studying the trailer. River shook her head.
"There is no way in, it's not physically possible." The Doctor stated.
"Doctor, what's it going to do to me?" Amy questioned.
"Just keep looking at it. Don't stop looking!" The Doctor repeated, before running away from the trailer.
"Where are you going?" You called after him. The Doctor returned with the book he had been looking at before Amy had been locked in.
"Amy, don't look at the eyes. Look at the Angel, but not the eyes." The Doctor instructed, flicking through the book.
"What is that? A comprehensive guide to Weeping Angels?" You questioned. "How do you know not to look in the eyes?"
"The eyes are not the windows to the soul, they are the doors. Beware what may enter there." He recited. "Amy, do not look in the eyes!"
"No, about images. What did you say about images?" Amy asked.
"Whatever holds the image of an Angel is an Angel." River called. With a click, you managed to push the door open finally. You ran in the trailer, to see that Amy was still OK. "I froze it." She said. "There was a sort of blip on the tape, and I froze it on the blip! It wasn't the image of an Angel anymore. That was good, yeah?" You grinned at her.
"That was genius, Pond." You said, lightly hugging her. "Glad you're OK, you worried me there for a moment."
"That was amazing." River added. The Doctor pulled out the main screen power cable, and started scanning it with the sonic. "So, it was here? That was the Angel?"
"That was the projection of the Angel." The Doctor answered. "It's reaching out, getting a good look at us. It's no longer dormant." As he said those words, a loud explosion could be heard outside. The Doctor dashed out, and you followed after him. "Doctor!" Father Octavian called. "We're through!"
"Ok." The Doctor said, re-entering the trailer briefly. "Now, it starts." River went to leave the trailer after him, and she glanced back at you and Amy. "Coming?" She questioned.
"Yup!" You replied, going to follow her. "Come on, Pond."
"I'll be there in a moment." Amy said. "There's something in my eye." You nodded, and stepped outside the trailer. You knew that this was where things would begin to get dangerous, but you had no idea exactly how deadly things were about to get.
AN: And I'm going to end it there! Thank you for reading; I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter!

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