How The Mighty Fall In Love

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AN: I do not own Doctor Who or any of the characters. I don't own you either.
The Doctor's POV
With birdsong ringing through my mind, I staggered through the streets of Upper Leadworth in a vain attempt to escape. Eventually, I managed to stumble inside a butcher's and was confronted by The Dream Lord in yet another disguise. "Oh, I love a good butcher's, don't you? We've got to use these places or they'll shut down." The Dream Lord commented, as I attempted to ignore him and focus on opening a locked door ahead of me. "Oh, but you're probably a vegetarian, you big, flop-haired wuss." He added.
"Oh, pipe down!" I snapped, the keys fumbling in my hands. "I'm busy!"
"Maybe you need a little sleep." The Dream Lord suggested, as the birdsong returned in my head. The fatigue forced me onto the floor, as I fought as hard as I could to stay awake. "Oh, wait a moment. If you fall asleep here, several dozen angry pensioners will destroy you with their horrible eye thingies. Just like they did to poor little Y/N." I got on my feet, and stormed past him. I put my fingers in my ears, trying to block the birdsong and The Dream Lord out of my mind. "Oh, yes, poor little Y/N. How old was she again? So young, and now she's gone. That's your fault, Doctor. How are you going to explain that to her mother?" He questioned, causing me to snap at him,
"Just shut up!" I stumbled back onto the floor, feeling sleep overtaking me again.
"Fingers in the ear?" The Dream Lord asked. "Brilliant! What's next, shouting boo? Come in! Come in!" He encouraged, as I heard the shop door open. "Yes, we've got lots at steak this week. Lots at steak. Get it?" He questioned, as the birdsong returned. In a vain attempt to ignore it, I got on my feet. His taunting had reminded me of Y/N's last words. I had to fight and survive this, for her. "Are these jokes wasted on you?" He questioned, as I staggered down the hallway.
"No... Stop, please." I begged, rummaging through my jacket pockets as the creatures approached me.
"Oh, I can't watch!" The Dream Lord proclaimed, as I somehow managed to get back on my feet and produced the sonic. Opening the fridge door behind me, I stumbled through, and locked it behind me. As I did so, darkness overtook me and I drifted off.
When I re-awoke, I was back in the TARDIS. It was much colder than before, causing Amy to start shivering. As I went to wrap my arms around myself, I noticed someone was clutching my hand. I glanced to my right, and there she was. My Y/N, perfectly fine and unharmed. Aside from the ice forming on her eyelashes and the ends of her hair, she was fine and safe. I let go of her hand, and flung my arms around her. She seemed rather surprised by my sudden affection, as it took her a moment to hug me back. "What's wrong?" She whispered.
"I thought I lost you." I replied, and although I pulled away, I didn't let her go. I kept one arm around her shoulder, as I turned to Amy and Rory. "Alright, the four of us have to decide now, which is the dream." I instructed.
"It's this, right here." Rory answered.
"He could be right. The science is all wrong here, burning ice?" Amy questioned.
"Oh great. I'm dead then." Y/N commented. "Well, that's fun."
"No." I insisted. "Ice can burn, sofas can read, it's a big universe. We have to decide which battle to lose. All of us, now."
"OK, which world do you think is real?" Amy asked.
"This one." I answered.
"No. The other one." Rory argued, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
"Yeah, but are we disagreeing or competing?" I questioned.
"Competing over what?" Amy inquired, as me and Rory both turned to look at her. Amy let out a sigh, and got on her feet. I glanced at my watch, and stated, "9 minutes to impact."
"What temperature is it?" Amy questioned.
"Outside? How many noughts have you got?" I answered. "Inside? I don't know. But I can't feel my feet. And other parts." Y/N raised an eyebrow, as a smirk formed on her face. She pulled the blanket off her shoulders, and draped it over my shoulders. Before I could say anything in protest, she lightly kissed my cheek. "I'll live." She stated, as Rory interrupted,
"I think all my parts are basically fine."
"Stop competing." I replied.
"Can't we call for help?" Rory demanded to know, holding up the phone that was attached to the console. I snatched it back off him.
"Oh yeah, cause the universe is quite small and there's bound to be someone nearby!" I snapped back.
"Boys..." Y/N interrupted. "Play nice." I turned to look at her, and frowned. A quiet giggle was emitted from her, as she lightly tapped my nose. "I mean it." She added. I rolled my eyes, as Amy spoke,
"Put this on." She threw two ponchos at Y/N and me, and forced one over Rory's head.
"Oh a poncho, the biggest crime against fashion since Lederhosen." Rory commented sarcastically, as Y/N, Amy and I silently pulled on our ponchos. "There we go." Amy said. "It's Pond and her poncho crew." Y/N laughed, as Amy approached us. "If we're gonna die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band."
"We're not going to die." Rory answered.
"No, we're not." I added, glancing at my watch. "But our time's running out. If we fall asleep here, we're in trouble."
"Well, I'm not going to fall asleep, am I?" Y/N questioned. "What do you want me to do?" I thought for a moment.
"I'm not leaving you here alone again. If there was some way we could divide up, then we'd have someone in each world. But the Dream Lord is switching us between worlds, why? What's the logic?" I asked, as the Dream Lord appeared by my side.
"Good idea, veggie." He mused. "Let's divide you four up, so I can get to know our lovely companions a bit better." He was looking at Y/N and Amy. "Don't you dare." I instructed, as Y/N took a step towards Amy.
"Maybe I'll keep them both, and you can have pointy nose to yourself for all eternity." He added. "Should you manage to step aboard some sort of reality." As he said those words, birdsong re-entered my head. I turned to Y/N, and clutched at her as tight as I could.
"Look after Amy, OK?" I requested, and Y/N nodded, as I collapsed on the floor.
"I promise." She replied, lightly running a hand through my hair. "Just, stay safe, OK?" I nodded weakly, as she pressed her lips against my forehead. "I'll be here, waiting for you. I promise. I love you." She assured me, as I slipped back into unconsciousness in her arms.
AN: And I'm going to end it there! Thank you for reading; I hope you enjoyed. Now, I have some news. Next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. I'll see you in the final chapter!

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