Chapter One

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Can: "Techno~ please can I get only one snack from that vendor, pleasee" I tried convincing him to buy me some food

Techno: "shesh you're gonna make me go broke"

Can: "Please~ I'm hungryyy"


Can: "ok...." Only one? ONE DOZEN!?

I walked over with techno

Can: "I'd like 3 of these, 5 of those sticks and 4 of these" Techno looked at me with widened eyes while I skipped away, happy with my snacks

Techno: "HEY MONKEY- YOU-"

As I skipped away I saw Good Resting on the benches

Can: "Good! I just got some food from techno, want some?"

Good: "No.....Thank You......I.....Already ate.....earlier"

Can: "ok then, I guess more for me!" We practiced for around 1 hour until it was time to go home

I said goodbye to everyone and went home

While I was walking I bumped into someone, and we both fell

???: "Hey! Watch where you're going next time!"

Can: "oh! Sorry-" He looked up at me and scoffed

???: "Of course it would be someone from the Thai program" he shook his head while getting up

Can: "huh what do you mean?" I held his arm to stop him from leaving

???: "Don't touch me, you'll make my shirt dirty!" He slapped my hand away and walked away

Can: "What the hell is his problem?" He had a Gucci backpack so I could tell he was one of those rich IC kids

Can: "So arrogant!" I brushed my pants and took a cab home

I arrived at my house and quickly took a shower before going to bed

Can: "ahh~ it's been a long day, finally I can rest" I remembered that IC kid and my blood started to boil

Can: "jerk! He didn't have to be so rude"

*Next Day*


Lay: "Cannn! Wake up! I'm leaving" I lazily stood up and started getting ready

Can: "Wait for me!!" I quickly put on my school uniform and headed to school with Lay

*At School*

I saw my friend Ae and his boyfriend Pete being all cuddly with each other

I wish I had someone like that- Wait what am I thinking-

As soon as I sat down I heard a very familiar voice behind me

???: "Pete, here are the papers you asked me for"

Pete: "Thanks so much, Tin!"

I slowly looked around and saw that jerk from yesterday

Can: "hey! You're the jerk from yesterday!"

Tin: "yeah, and you're the ugly kid from yesterday"

Can: "What? Ugly? You should look at yourself in a mirror before saying that to someone else" Woah, I'm not usually harsh but this guy made me irritated for some reason

Pete: "what's happening? You know each other?" Me and Tin both shook our heads

Can: "No, He bumped into me yesterday"

Tin: "You're the one that bumped into me yesterday" he rolled his eyes

I narrowed my eyes at him

Pete: "Calm down guys, Tin-"

Tin: "I'm leaving, I already gave you what you needed"

After he left I looked at pete

Can: "Is he your friend?"

Pete: "yeah, sorry he can be a little rude sometimes"

Can: "I don't understand how such a nice guy like you can be friends with him...."

Ae: "Can we have to go now, or we'll be late for soccer practice"

I left with Ae to the soccer field

Ae: "I don't like that guy"

Can: "who? The rich IC kid?"

Ae: "yeah him. He always tries to hit on pete" I was a bit surprised since I didn't know he liked guys

Can: "but why would he hit on him? Doesn't he know you and pete are together?"

Ae:" yeah but he's not particularly fond of guys in the thai program, like us"

Just thinking about him made me irritated

Techno: "Guys! We're starting, hurry up and head to the middle!"

After soccer practice was done, I somehow convinced techno to get me some thai street food

We were heading to the one stand outside our school when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye

Can: "ugh! It's that rich IC jerk" techno looked at me confused

Techno: "who? Oh tin?" he said as he looked at the person I was looking at"

I kept looking at him and noticed he seemed down

'Whatever, why should I feel bad for him? He's rude'

I brushed it off and ate what techno bought me

Can: "thanks techno!"

Techno: "you worked hard today, you deserve it"

With that I smiled at techno and went home.

-Chapter One End-

Thank you so much for reading Chapter One of my TinCan story!! I'm excited to be posting these chapters since it took me some time to write them. I have 2 more BL stories that I made up cooking in the oven! I'll post them as soon as I can😃 Thank you for your patience😌🙏🏼🙏🏼

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