Chapter TwentyTwo

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Can's POV

~Next morning~  

I woke up being blinded by the sunlight

I put my arm on tin's side only to realize he wasn't there

Can: "Hm?" I opened my eyes but didn't see him

I walked to the other rooms but he was nowhere to be seen and lastly I decided to check the kitchen

I walked in and saw Tin unpacking 2 plastic bags

Tin: "Oh hey, Good morning sleepy head" he said with a tender smile

Can: "I thought you left"

Tin: "I did, I went and got us some shrimp congee and rice drinks for a light breakfast since we're probably gonna eat food at the market"

Can: "hm"

Can: "I'm gonna go wash up and I'll come back in a bit"

Tin: "Ok, don't take too long or it'll cool down"

I walked into our room, took a shower and put on a green sweatshirt, black sweatpants and white shoes

I walked into our room, took a shower and put on a green sweatshirt, black sweatpants and white shoes

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Tin: "You look so cute"

Tin: "Ready to eat?"

Can: "Yeah"

We started eating and I thought about the discussion we were gonna have with my parents, I figured it's better to tell them sooner than later since I'll be able to get it off my chest and I won't have to hide that I'm with Tin

Can: "uh...."

Tin: "what is it?"

Can: "Well since we've already been together for 6 months I decided to tell my parents about us as soon as we get back to bangkok" Tin looked at me worried

Tin: "Are you sure about it?"

Can: "Yeah I don't want to have you waiting and I feel like it's time they should know"

Tin: "Okay, it's up to you but if you feel pressured I can wait longer"

Can: "No I want to do it so I don't have to hide being with you and so we can be comfortable around my family"

Tin: "Okay when we return we'll gather your parents and talk to them"

We finished eating, got everything we needed and started to head out

Tin: "First we'll go to an Aquarium that's near the City and after we'll go to the temple and then the night market"

Can: "Okay" Tin hired a personal driver for our whole trip so it'd be safer and faster

We arried at the Aquarium a couple minutes later and looked around

There were so many types of aquatic animals

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now