Chapter TwentyThree

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Tin: "Who the hell?"

I was about to run up to them but I decided to calm down first

'Relax, this has an explanation, it's not what you think'

I realized that I had to trust can instead of jumping to conclusions and acting without thinking

I walked up to them and can looked over at me

Can: "Oh hey"

Tin: "...hey" I was speaking to can but looking at the guy

Can: "Oh! This is Tae! He used live in my neighborhood when I was a kid but he left when I was young and by coincidence we met here"

Can: "We were just catching up"

Tin: "Hm"

Tae: "So who's this?" I scoffed

I expected can to tell him we were together but he didn't

Can: "Um, He's my friend" I looked at can but he was looking at the guy

Tae: "That's good to hear" as he said that he looked straight at me

Tae: "Anyways, right now me and my friends are going to a bar nearby, want to come?"

Can was about to agree but I stopped him

Tin: "We can't. It's getting late so we're gonna go to sleep"

Can: "What? It's barely 7-"

Tin: "Well I like to sleep early"

Can: "No you don't?" Can was oblivious to the fact that I was jealous

Tin: "Whatever I just want to go to our Villa" I said it with a serious tone so can just agreed

Can: "Uh okay"

Tin: "I'll wait over there" I walked over to a sidewalk and waited for them to finish saying their goodbyes because I couldn't stand being next to that guy

I saw them exchange number and that guy once again went to touch can's hair

I looked away and started walking to our car

Can: "Okay, I'm done" He got into the car

Tin: "mhm" I didn't look at him and the rest of the ride was silent

We got to the villa and got ready for bed r

Can: "today was a tiring day but it was nice seeing Tae, I always wondered what happened to him" he looked at me expecting to say something but I didn't

Can's POV

Can : "today was a tiring day but it was nice seeing tae, I always wondered what happened to him" I looked at tin but he was silent

Can: "Tin?"

Tin: "What?" He stayed looking at his phone and didn't look at me so I knew something was bothering him

Can: "What's wrong?"

Tin: "Nothing." he said nothing but I knew there was, since he suddenly turned cold

Can: "Tin.......If we want to keep this relationship we have to be open"

Tin sighed and looked over at me

Tin: "I don't like that you hid that we're togther from that guy 'tae'"

Can: "I just didn't want to make things awkward, but if you want I'll tell him tomorrow"

Tin: "Tomorrow?" I laughed akwardly

Can: "Yeahhh, um I kind of agreed that we'd go eat with them in the afternoon"

Tin: "whatever" He turned around and laid down in the bed

I could tell he was still mad so I layed next to him and backhugged him

Can: "Tin, Tae isn't like that, he's just a friend, you don't need to be worried"

Tin: "Hm" He was still being cold

I gave him a peck to try and make him less angry

Can: "believe me you don't need to worry, You're my boyfriend and he's my friend, those are completely diffrent things, and you already know I belong to you"

I could feel him soften up as he turned around and hugged me too

Tin: "Okay, but I just don't want him getting too close to you"

Tin: "You know I get jealous a lot but that's because you mean so much to me and I want to protect you"

Can: "I know but you have to also be able to trust me"

Tin: "I do trust you but I don't trust the other person" hearing that made me recognize that he does trust me and it made me happy

Tin: "Let's just go to sleep"

Can: "So we're okay?"

Tin: "yeah, we're okay"

We fell asleep being in eachother's arms feeling warm

Hey guys! I haven't uploaded in around a week since I have a lot of online classes and work to do but I'm uploading this chapter today! I'll upload chapter 24 right after this one, they're kind of short but for chapter 25 I'll try to make it longer. Thanks for always waiting for the updates and reading! Stay healthy and happy! Don't go out without a mask and keep your space clean. I hope all of you are doing okay during these times. Love y'all 💚🥺

 Love y'all 💚🥺

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 (Baekhyun from EXO🖤)

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(Baekhyun from EXO🖤)

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now