Chapter Fifteen

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Can's POV

I finished my last class and checked the time, it was already 4pm and I noticed I got a text from Ae

4:32pm Ae: Hey! Let's meet at the bar near campus at 6pm so we can head there together instead of going individually since you don't know the guy

4:33pm Can: okay, also what do I wear??

4:33pm Ae: something casual like jeans and a shirt

4:35pm Can: k

4:35pm Ae: also don't worry, Pete knows the junior that's hosting the party and I also know him well too

4:36pm Can: okay! See you at 6pm

I shut off my phone and started walking home

Can's mom: "Hey honey, how was your day?"

Can: "It was okay, also can I go to a party tonight?"

Can's mom: "I don't think it's a good idea, you have school tomorrow too"

Can: "Pleaseee! Ae and Pete are going too and I haven't gone to a party"

Can's mom: "hmmm, fine but be home before 10:30pm and if you stay at your friends house send me a text"

Can: "Thanks mom! Love you"

Can's mom: "Love you too"

I headed towards my room and went through my closet

I decided to wear a stripped shirt, black pants and a pair of Vans

I decided to wear a stripped shirt, black pants and a pair of Vans

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I was watching tv when suddenly I remembered about tin

'He probably wouldn't like me going so it's better to not tell him'

'I'll just see what he's doing'

I grabbed my phone and texted him

5:12pm Can: Hey Tin

5:12pm Tin: Hi

5:13 pm Can: Are you doing anything tonight?

5:13pm Tin: Just gonna do some schoolwork and go to bed

5:15pm Can: Okay, just asking

5:16pm Tin: Ok make sure to text me in the morning, I want to go pick you up

5:17pm Can: Okay

'It's okay if he doesn't know, it's not like i'm doing anything bad'

I grabbed my wallet and left the house

I arrived at the bar and waited a couple minutes until Ae and Pete arrived

Ae: "Hey can!"

Can: "Hey guys"

Ae: "You ready to go?"

Can: "yeah" we got into pete's car and left to the party

I realized we were going into Tin's neighborhood

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