Chapter Nineteen

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Tin's POV

'Could he be cheating?'

No, that can't be it, we're almost always together or talking so I doubt it

But what exactly is he hiding?

Just then can came back

I decided to not jump to conclusions and just act natural

Tin: "who was it?"

Can: "oh um my friend" I nodded

We finished eating and I dropped him off

Tin: "see you tomorrow?"

Can: "yeah see you!" He had a tender smile

He looked so innocent so I didn't think he was cheating on me but I do know he's hiding something

I drove home and went to my bedroom

I couldn't get the image of his face when the phone rang out of my mind

He looked concerned but I don't know about what exactly

Tin: "I don't know, but this is stressing me" I sighed and reached for my phone

Tin: "Maybe Pete knows something since he always hangs out with him"

I was unsure of what he could be hiding but I knew I needed to find out

I searched for Pete's number and called him

Pete: "Hey Tin?"

Tin: "Hey, I had something to ask you"

Pete: "okay, what is it?"

Tin: "well it's about can"

Pete: "What about him?"

Tin: "He's been acting distant and I feel like he's been hiding something from me"

Pete: "So you guys are still together?"

Tin: "Yeah, why would you think we aren't?" He sounded nervous

Pete: "Well, you know who Aiden is right?"

Tin: "Yeah I know, from Krung Thep Enterprises"

Pete: "Well, I guess he's kind of been hitting on Can in a way"

Tin: "What??" I was starting to get irritated

Pete: "But don't get mad, I don't think Aiden knows he's dating you"

Tin: "How? Didn't can tell him?"

Pete: "From the looks of it no, but you know how can is, he doesn't speak up when he has things to say"

Tin: "Yeah right, and that's an excuse to have other guys flirt with him knowing we're together?

Pete: "We're supposed to go to a party of Aiden's tonight but if you're gonna be hot headed then you should wait until tomorrow to talk with him"

Tin: "I just don't get why he would hide this from me? He should be able to tell me these things" I felt somewhat betrayed and annoyed

Pete: "Just wait until tommorow to talk to him, I don't know exactly what's happened between them so let's not think negatively"

Tin: "Fine" I hung up and tried to calm down while so many thoughts were running through my head

'Does he like him? Is that why he didn't tell him? Does our relationship not matter to him? Has something happened between them?'

I sighed and decided to take a shower to cool off

Can's POV

I looked at my phone and got a text from Aiden

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now