Chapter Sixteen

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Can's POV

Can: "What the? Who's this?!?" I was honestly shocked

I could tell it wasn't tin because it wasn't Tin's room, Suddenly a thought came into my head

'Wait, could it be mark?'

I slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the other side, I saw the guy's face and realized it wasn't mark ethier

I slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the other side, I saw the guy's face and realized it wasn't mark ethier

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(Let's say this is how the guy looks, btw this is seungyoon from the band WINNER)

Can: "I have to get out of here"

I slowly walked towards the bed and checked my pockets to look for my phone but I didn't find it so I grabbed my shoes and decided to just leave

I carefully opened the door and closed it, it was then I noticed that the house I was at was the same one where the party was

Can: "so that's the guy who owns this house??"

Just as I was going down the stairs into the living room a man with a suit and a broom came out the kitchen

???: "oh! You're already awake sir?"

Can: "uhh"

???: "Oh sorry, My name is Albert, I'm the housekeeper of the young master that lives here"

Can: "what happened last night?"

Albert: "well young master told me you fainted so he brought you in and made sure to give you the best room"

Can: "oh." I didn't know what else to say so I started walking out

Albert: "Wait! It seems as young master already woke up"

I heard footsteps behind me and saw the handsome guy walking towards me

???: "Already leaving?" I got nervous and didn't know what to say

???: "haha you're so cute" as he said that he also pinched my cheek but what I found weird is that I felt myself blushing

???: "My name is Aiden, I'm the Heir of Krung Thep Enterprises"
Can: "w-what happened last night?" he gave me a curious look

Aiden: "You don't remember what we did?" I panicked

Can: "What??" He smiled and started laughing

Aiden: "Just kidding, haha you should've seen your face"

Aiden: "Nothing happened you just fainted and I happened to catch you before you hit the ground and passed out in front of those people"

Can: "oh, Thanks?" I didn't know whether to thank him or to just leave

Aiden: "Anyways, want some breakfast?"

Can: "Um, I think I should go-"

Aiden: "Why? I'm having fruit crepes~" just then my stomach grumbled

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