Chapter Two

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Can's POV

It was afterschool and me and Ae were helping put some of pete's stuff in his car

Pete: "thanks for helping me carry this to my car"

Ae: "it's fine, i'd do anything for my beautiful wife~" he said as pete blushed and gave him a quick peck

Can: "blehh" I said as we walked towards pete's car

Ae: "you should get a someone too can, you're pretty cute so a lot of guys and girls would want you if you were open" he said as he chuckled

Can: "no way! Food is all I need in my life, I don't need anything else" I said

??: "no wonder you look so lonely" we heard a voice and looked back

'Really? This jerk again --_--" I thought and sighed

Pete: "tin please don't start again" pete said but tin ignored him

Can: "who the fu*k do you think you're talking to" he looked around

Tin: "hmm I don't know you tell me, who's the idiot i'm looking at right now??"

Ae: "you asshole, get out of here before I break that pretty little expensive face of yours"

Tin: "if you even try to touch me you'll be dealing with my lawers, so go ahead" he said with a smirk on his face

Tin: "and by the looks of it, you won't even be able to afford a lawer"

Pete: "tin....please just go" he scoffed

Tin: "why do you even defend these rats? All they want is you money, as soon as they get what they want they'll drop you"

Ae: "you fu*cker!" ae threw a punch at him but tin moved out the way

Can: "ae! Stop, this jerk isn't worth our time" I said as pete and I held him back.

Tin: "whatever, i'm not gonna deal with rats like you, pete it's your choice to hang around them but don't come to me when he takes all your money, I warned you" with that he walked away

Pete: "sorry ae, can, he sometimes says stuff he doesn't mean"

Ae: "you don't have to defend him, everyone knows he's a jerk"

Ae: "shit! I forgot I have to go with my niece somewhere today! See you tomorrow! Bye can, pete i'll text you later"

Can:" alright bye! I'm probably gonna leave now too"

Pete: "okay, that's fine, see you can"

Can: "see ya!" I headed towards the field to play some soccer

After playing for a couple hours I laid on the benches and closed my eyes

I felt something wet going on my face and woke up

I opened my eyes to see the dark sky above me

Can: "huh? What time is it??" I looked at my phone -10:48PM-

Can: "shit! It raining too" I decided to just walk since I was gonna take a shower eithier way

I walked throught the rain and got home

Can's mom: "can!!! Where were you!!? Me and Lay were calling you"

Can: "what? Ohh" I said as looked down at my phone and saw 5 missed calls

Can's mom: "sheesh, just go take a shower and go to bed, it's already late"

I walked to my room after taking a shower and fell asleep

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now