Chapter Four

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Can's POV

A couple days later

I went to soccer practice and talked to Ae about what was happening

Ae: "so what's the situation with your family?"

Can: "my dad got fired from the company he worked at"

Ae: "what? But he was always devoted to it"

Can: "I know but the weird thing is, he was fired by a manager that works at the 'Medthanan' company"

Ae: "wait. Medthanan?" I simply nodded

Ae: "you know that Tin's dad owns that company right? It's his last name" I was surprised

Can: "what do you mean? But why would-"

Ae: "did you do something that upset Tin? It only makes sense because why'd they choose your dad specifically?"

Can: "oh my god, it was techno, he punched him the day you left" I instantly stood up and left to the IC buildings

I found pete just as the bell rang

Can: "Pete! Wait" I needed to catch my breath because of all the running I did

Pete: "can what are you-"

Can: "where's Tin?"

Pete: "uhh he usually goes and gets lunch at this time, he's probably in the back lot" I ran to the IC parking lot to find tin's car

I looked around and found him getting into his car

Can: "Tin!" he looked back

Can: "wait, was it you?"

Tin: "what are you talking about?"

Can?: "did you fire my dad?"

Tin: "maybe I did maybe I didn't, who knows?" I started tearing up

Can: " dad needs that job" he looked taken aback for a couple seconds

Tin: ".....what will you give me in exchange?" he looked at me with a smirk

Can: "I don't know, I'll do anything I just need you to give my dad his job back"

Tin: "alright, give me your phone number"

Can: "what? Why?"

Tin: "give it."

I passed my phone to him

Tin: "I'm gonna save your phone number, so whenever I call you, you need to drop everything you're doing and come to me"

Can: "what the- why would I do something like that, I don't even like you"

Tin: "so I guess your dad is gonna stay jobless"

Can: "fine" I took my phone back and started walking away

Can: "you're so cruel" I don't know if he heard it or not but I didn't care

I was walking back to my college building so it took me longer than when I was running

I missed most of my classes but atleast I got my dad's job back so it didn't matter

???: "oh hey! Can!" I looked up to see it was the guy from before

Can: "oh, hi mark" I said with a quiet tone

Mark: "is something wrong?" I shook my head

Mark: "okay...well if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here for you, infact let's exchange phone numbers right now!" all the times I met him he was so jolly and I was too but his energy somehow also lifted me up so we exchanged phone numbers

Can: "also, why aren't you in class?"

Mark: "oh! They put me on yard work since they're still processing my college credits from the U.S. so I'll probably be doing this and other tasks the whole day until I can actually get my classes"

Can: "wow, I'd rather do this than school work" he chuckled

Mark: "okay, I'm gonna go finish my work but if you ever wanna talk just text me!"

Can: "Alright! See you!" I stood up and headed back inside


I looked down at my phone and saw "Tin" on it

'Really? I left him like 50 minutes ago'

Frustrated, I answered

Can: "What do you want?"

Tin: "now is that a way to talk to somebody who has your future in their hands?" 'what a stuck up guy'

Tin: "whenever I call say 'Yes Tin, What do you need?' I just scoffed at his audacity

Tin: "now, let's try it again"

Tin: "hey"

Can: "YES TIN, what do you need?" I said as I rolled my eyes

Tin: "that's much better, I need you to come to my house"

Can: "for what?"

Tin: "don't question my actions just do what I say"

Can: "oh my god, I don't even know where you-"

Tin: "I'll send you the adress" CLICK!

'How dare he hang up just like that'

He sent me a text that read "West Merrywood Hills 3801 Callin Ave."

I put it in google maps and it showed me the directions on how to get there by bus

Can: "What the?? 2 HOURS!?!?"

Hey guys, I just finished exams today🥳🥳 so I finally have some time to work on these chapters☺️It's been tough studying and getting ready but I finally finished, so I'm happy about that, I'm gonna try to finish a couple chapters this weekend so I'll have them ready Incase I can't work on them during school. I appreciate every single one of you who read my stories🥰🥰it means a lot to me so I hope y'all support me for more chapters to come! As always, Thanks for reading! See you in a couple days💕💕💕

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