Chapter Twenty

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Aiden's POV

Just as I was talking a guy came in through the door

Tin: "Are you kidding me??"

As soon as I saw him I knew he was the youngest Medthanan son

Tin: "What the hell is this?!" I looked over at Can and saw him frightened, it wasn't fear, it was more like he was worried about what would happen next

Pete: "I told you to wait until tommorow"

Tin: "Leave"

Pete: "I don't think-" Tin looked over and glared at him, Pete sighed and went down the stairway

He looked over at Can

Tin: "Are you seriously cheating on me?"

Can seemed like he was sorry but not because he cheated, because he didn't, but because of when he slept over

Tin: "explain." He said with a firm voice

Can stayed quiet not looking at him which made Tin get more impatient

Tin: "Come with me" He walked up to can and was about to take him out but I held his wrist

Aiden: "He's not leaving"

Tin: "Who are you to decide that? I'm his boyfriend"

Aiden: "'I'm not letting you take him" Can looked at me

Can: "It's okay Aiden, I need to talk about other things too" then he looked over at tin

Can: "but i'm not leaving unless you promise me that you'll be calm and actually let me talk" Tin exhaled firmly and nodded his head

Tin: "Fine. come with me" I let him go and they walked away

Can's POV

I looked back at aiden and walked away with Tin

Tin drove to a cafe nearby that wasn't filled with a lot of people

Tin was quiet and was looking at the side not facing me

I didn't know where to start or what to say but I knew I needed to tell him about certain things

Can: "I-" before I could speak he cut me off

Tin: "I just want to know if you're cheating or not because if you are, then this conversation is useless" I was quiet not knowing what to say

Tin: "Did you cheat?!" He raised his voice

Can: "No! I didn't cheat, I wouldn't do that to you" I looked down not wanting to look at him

Tin: "Then? Why do you seem guilty of something?"

Can: "Because I  am" Tin looked at me confused

Tin: "What do you mean?"

Can: "Well I went to Aiden's party and I fell asleep over at his house because I got drunk and fainted, he was the one that helped me before fainting"

Can: "but nothing happened, I swear"

Tin: "Are you sure?" 

Can: "Yeah" I nodded

Tin sighed and held my hand

Tin: "Look, I'm jealous that you slept over at another guys house but it's better that what I thought you were hiding so I'm not mad at you" I looked up at him surprised

Can: "Y-You're not mad?"

Tin: "No, I just don't want you to hide things from me, even if they're small, I want you to tell me if you have a problem or if you're struggling, that's what a boyfriend is for"

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now