Chapter Thirteen

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Can: "Tin?"

I walked closer and confirmed that it was him

Can: "what is he doing here?" I was going to walk up to him but I saw another guy go up to him and sit on his lap

When the guy sat on tin's lap he didn't push away the guy but instead wrapped his arms around his waist

I instantly froze as soon as I saw that, once again I felt that intense feeling of ache in my chest like those other times when he got close to other people

'Wait, why is he- I know we're not together but how could he?'

Can: "he said he likes me so how could he do this??"

I thought 'maybe it is my fault because I pushed him away'

I didn't undestand why I felt so hot and almost pissed off

'Why do I feel this way if he's just a friend, I mean he's just a friend, right?'

My mind flashed back to when I broke up with him and the feeling hurt even more but I realized I really did like him because I had never felt the way I feel towards tin towards any of my frinds

Can: "Maybe, I do like him.....more than a friend...." Right then my mind snapped back to reality

I looked at Tin and saw him making out with the guy and In a rush I went up to them

I pushed the guy of Tin's lap and looked at tin dead in the eyes

Can: "You. Come with me." I grabbed Tin's wrist and pulled him outside at the back of the club

Now I knew I had feelings for him but I still felt a sense of betrayal at the fact that he was kissing someone else

Can: "What's wrong with you?!" He looked at me, uninterested

Tin: "What are you talking about?

Can: "Isn't it obvious?? Who was that and why were you making out??" he chuckled

Tin: "first of all, what does it have to do with you? Second of all, Who was the one that wanted to break up?"

Can: "but still, I didn't go around making out with guys!!"
Tin: "again, what does it matter to you? Are we friends? No. Are we together? No. Do we have any kind of relationship? Again, No."

Can: "I just......." I could feel my eyes water from how cold he was being

Tin: "Now let me go finish my buisness, I don't want to talk anymore"

My eyes started tearing up as he was walking away

'I have to do something, I don't want to lose him again'

I ran up to him and wraped my arms around his back

Can: "Tin.........I love you"

He stopped moving and turned around

Tin: "What?...."

Can: "I said I love you......"

He just looked at me with surprise in his eyes

I started crying and he pulled me into a hug

Can: "I'm sorry tin......."

Tin: "It's okay" He started to pat my back

Can: "No, it's not because I hurt you and I shouldn't have done that.......I'm sorry"

I was crying agaist his shoulder but he held my face up with his hand and gave me a quick peck on my forehead

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now