Chapter Seven

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~A couple days later~

Can's POV

At lunch

Can: "Ae" I called out to him during lunch

Ae: "what's up can?"

Can: "well, I wanted to know when the match with the other college was"

Ae: "oh, it's this Tuesday"

Can: "wait, tomorrow??"

Ae: "no, no, not this Tuesday, next week on Tuesday"

Can: "oh thank god! You had me sweating for a second there"

Pete: "why? you have a party or something"

Can: "uhh well, I'm doing a favor for someone"

Ae: "What type of favor??"

Can: "ummm.....pretending I'm somebody's boyfriend?" I chuckled nervously waiting for their reaction

Ae and Pete: "What!?"

Can: "hehe yeahh"

Ae: "wait how did you even get into this?"

Can: "well he asked me and-"

Ae: "it's a guy too?" I nodded

Pete: "damn"

Can: "yeah but it's just for a short time and he's gonna buy me food after"

Ae: "I mean you do what makes you happy I guess"

Pete: "and you like him or??"

Can: "I mean he's really nice and caring and he seems rough but he's actually really soft-"

Ae: "yup, sounds like you like him"

Can: "What? No we're just friends, it's just that he's so nice even though he's rich unlike someone else"

Pete: "well it's fine, as long as you guys are only friends it should be okay"

Can: "yeah"

Ae: "but who's the guy??"

Can: "He's an IC kid"

Ae: "what? But I thought you hated those types of guys"

Can: "I do, but not him, he's really nice and caring and doesn't expect anything in return"

Ae: "his name is??"

Can: "it's mark, he recently came from studying overseas"

Pete: "wow, so you have 2 guys going after you now"

Can: "two?"

Pete: "yeah, Mark and Tin"

Can: "what?!" I suddenly felt hot for no reason

Ae: "aww he's blushing"

Pete: "but the question is because of who, Mark or Tin?"

Ae: "I go for Mark"

Can: "um I'm still here! and whatever I'm not blushing, I-I've just had too much snacks from the vendor outside"

Pete: "whatever you say can~"

Can: "hmp"


Ae: "the bell just rung, we got to get to class"

Pete: "oh god I'm gonna be late"

Ae: "I'll take you to your building"

Ae: "see you can"

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